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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Shouldn’t start off with 343... I stopped reading there LMAO
  2. Bethesda isn’t publishing their own games... Bethesda will not exist... it will be Microsoft publishing Microsoft games, possibly under the Bethesda branding... but the company will not exist once they’re purchased technically
  3. Then I wouldn’t expect them to never be released tbh, LOL at least not on PlayStation. We’ll see
  4. I’m gonna say this is PR bs, unless Ms are even stupider than originally thought. Let’s buy a company and sell their products exclusively to our competitors fanbase!
  5. It’s just a Best Buy branded credit card. I’ve just used it for $11k worth of purchases this year- mostly outside of bb
  6. What really gets me, the worker says “do you think we like wearing masks? Like no one likes wearing them.. yet we do. I wear one at the gym on the fucking stair master, walking around the store with a mask is far from a major inconvenience.
  7. I can’t believe how many of these idiots there are.
  8. This game will be the top seller of the holiday no doubt
  9. Up to $220 in rewards, waiting on about $30 more to process.. and Best Buy gave me a $100 gift card for spending 11k+ this year alone. Ballin.. basically $350 in rewards in ~7 months and I’ve actually used probably 50-100 in rewards already.
  10. not bad. I was paying 15 for the family music plan plus $3 for storage. Now I get Apple TV plus and Apple Arcade for basically a dollar a month.
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