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Everything posted by Ike

  1. That's really sad and thankfully they caught and charged the murderers. Everyone who stood for the BLM, quickly admonished all those who were burglarizing and destroying personal property BTW. Trump released a video telling the insurrectionists that he loves them and they're special.
  2. That's a really solid idea actually so those who want to upgrade don't have to buy everything and can upgrade cheaper than buying the new model outright if it includes the Switch itself.
  3. My guess is his cabinet and McConnell threatened him with the 25th amendment.
  4. https://youtu.be/UBp42536IhE This footage is some of the most horrifying stuff I’ve seen of the whole thing. These people are fucking savages.
  5. Don’t forget he also had his charity settle because his “charity” was stealing money from Veterans Charity Organizations, he also ignored intel that Putin was putting bounties on our troops, and also had his Sec. of Defense quit and write a letter pretty much saying Trump prefers dictators to our allies.
  6. Only one president in our nation’s history has ever attempted a coup on our democratic process and that is Donald J Trump. Yes, he is without a doubt the worst president to have ever been in office.
  7. Rudy called the wrong senator and left a voicemail asking for more objections even after what happened today. He claims they need more time to gather evidence to give legislators on election fraud.
  8. https://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/2020/videogames Nope, completely accurate.
  9. Senators from Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Mississippi still object. What absolute traitors and fascist assholes.
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