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Everything posted by Ike

  1. He’s been mediocre as a RB all season. He’s ok as a catching receiver though.
  2. Niners defense beating up them Seahawks so far.
  3. Switched to the Steelers/Ravens game. It’s a good one.
  4. That Dolphins d-line is eating them alive.
  5. If the Niners win today and this result holds, Arizona leads the division.
  6. Hekker really be the MVP for the Rams.
  7. Henderson averaging 7 yards per carry too.
  8. Flipping between the Steelers/Ravens and Rams/Dolphins games. Saw that Goff turnover. Yikes.
  9. The ground game is obviously working well. Why does McVay insist on passing?
  10. First two plays are runs of 4+ yds and then McVay dials up 3 pass plays.
  11. We get the Rams/Dolphins game here in Seattle.
  12. Proud Boy in here defending this bullshit. He’s probably in an armed militia.
  13. I'm happy Esposito gets to play another big baddie. He's so good.
  14. I've never liked this series. It's a WRPG being made by a Japanese dev.
  15. You still live with your mom. "BuT ThE eCoNoMy Is BEtteR Off!" You keep flipping from one thing to the next.
  16. It's almost like there's a deadly virus out there that's causing a pandemic that's been getting worse due to inaction and idiocy.
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