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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. DQ is a multiplat. you play on pc because xbox has no games
  2. i'd be curious to see the people here who are pro if/keto and the people who follow the "tried and true" methods. i bet the latter of the two look better.
  3. LOL oh yeah. although, you do get some keto/IF rejects there too. at least i can understand the hormonal benefits of IF (more cons than pros imo, though).
  4. ha, if you wear that in northwest miami-dade, or miami gardens, they'll kill you. you must live in cracker town.
  5. aza has no clue what the glycemic index is LOL.
  6. trump is garbage, but that dude should be able to wear a MAGA hat at any store. that clerk basically reduced himself to the typical trump supporter.
  7. well, i know this is a project he's always wanted to do, so i'm pumped. and i agree! get out was probably my favorite film of 2017, so my body is ready for this!
  8. and mala bought a ps4 and gt. the lemming faction died.
  9. I have one of the best tvs on the market (x900f) and it’s perfectly calibrated. It’s not your tv.
  10. (Takes manspreading in Madrid off bucket list)
  11. A mixed bag imo. Too many caves and foliage. I also don’t like Lara’s model in certain lighting. The animations are not that great either. But yes, there are parts that are stunning.
  12. 2 was heavily factionalized, aside from certain elements with Escobar.
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bet.com/celebrities/exclusives/jordan-peele-us-trailer.amp.html “Very important for me was to have a Black family at the center of a horror film,” he says. “It’s also important to note that this movie is not about race. It is instead about something I feel has become an undeniable truth. That is the simple fact that we are our own worst enemies.”
  14. detroit is actually really awesome, though - much better than his other work. buy ya, spideman was godly.
  15. last theory: what if this symbolizes that the black man is his own worst enemy. you have more black-on-black violence than white-on-black violence. and maybe the 5th person (i'm convinced there was a 5th person in the family) was killed in a drive-by shooting.
  16. my top 10 would probably net the biggest lulz here let's put it this way 1: detroit 2: spiderman...and it only gets crazier
  17. anyone else find it odd when the mom says "get in rhythm"...that she's totally off?
  18. well, i think society feels the need to conform to, or project, a "best life". take facebook aka facadebook, for example. it's all a manufactured narrative. everybody is smiling in their pictures, and everything seems perfect - which is usually the opposite of what's really going on. also, i don't think jordan wants to abuse the "white man is out to get the black man" theme. so, maybe it's just their personal battle to appear to be a "happy" family, or to fit in. and their inner demons are rebelling.
  19. i don't think there's going to be as much of a racial message as Get Out. my theories: 1. "5 on it" - 5th family member? maybe one died in a fire (the scarring) 2. the bunnies. i still think there's a sci-fi element here. perhaps, this is a failed experiment to rewrite their lives (getting past a tragic event?)...and the family "in danger"- is the actual cloned one, while the creepy one represents the memories/egos being suppressed. i have a few more. but i want to carefully think them out.
  20. i love how it's super vague. i have several ideas about the potential plot. however, i hope i'm surprised. in jordan peele we trust!
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