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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. Just now, Vini said:


    The leftist extremism that caused Brexit and Trump, 

    Ohh you're back to this shit again? 


    You're blaming the left for the extreme actions of the right.   The right holds Zero accountability for their actions in your eyes. 


    I'll ask again which is extremism have we endorsed or supported, give tangible examples or actual extremist ACTIONS that we have supported ir endorsed. 

  2. 19 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    This was non news when they came to PS4 years ago and Sheep are losing their shit. :laff: 


    No REmake 2. It's okay, I'll just play RE4 for the 25th time. Portable RE4! :kaz:

    Remake HD was non news coming to the PS4?   Now that's a lie if I ever saw one myself :interesting:

  3. 20 minutes ago, Vini said:


    Meh I didn't read through the thread just stupid ass conspiracy thinking.  First of all why would the left use real bombs and put all these people at real risk over a midterm election and second of all you can't get away with a false flag this scale and keep it hidden in the US. 


    The timing is unfortunate for republicans so this retard inadvertently hurt his own party. 


    You loons celebrating right wing extremism to detract from your own for a minute is hilarious though. 

    No one is celebrating. 


    What extremism have we partook in or endorsed? 

  4. 47 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You think the word fact is synonymous with infallibility which is why it's hard to take you seriously. Something being reported as fact doesn't mean it's true.


    And it's not that there's only too much evidence, it's the spread of evidence, its presentation, the exaggeration in the evidence, the timing, the logic behind it all. 


    People on the left are cut throat in their political aims, this actually being a false flag operation wouldn't be something that's crazy, outlandish or surprising.

    You have ZERO evidence that it's a false flag yet you choose to believe it is. 


    I guess the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Secret Service and the NYPD are all controlled by the left and they all conspired to create this false flag operation.   


    You are a delusional fuck.... 

  5. Immediately after the news broke about the bombs being sent, alt right retards were like... "Where's the evidence?" "They probably sent it to themselves" , "Let's wait and see all the facts before calling it Terrorism". 



    Now that all the facts are coming out... the alt right retards are like.... "That's too much evidence, it can't be real" :grimaceleft:

  6. 4 hours ago, madmaltese said:



    'Xbox hardware Revenue grew 94%, against a low prior year comparable due to timing of Xbox One X launch in Q2 FY18'




    MS' own fiscal report states exactly what I said. That the growth is primarily due to it being compared to a quarter without the X. Dyno basically been arguing against MS' own report :D


    DynamiteCop loves to argue against reality.....dude is deluded as fuck. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Vini said:

    White nationalist group connected to bomb attacks






















































    10 bucks  @jehurey @Goukosan and @McWickedSmawt85 just jizzed their pants before clicking that




    No real comment on him being an Alt right supporter? :bena:

  8. 14 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Yes, and PS3. It released in tendem with the Xbox One, PS4 and PC version.

    just looked it up. 


    It was a cross gen game. All versions feature the same backgrounds from the GC just at higher res. 720 on last gen and 1080p on current gen. 


    Switch will run this 1080p docked. 

  9. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    I mean, its the MOST OBVIOUS thing alt-leftists would do.


    Maybe, just maybe Alt-Leftists all decided to wear white shirts, and magically turn their skin pale white, and give themselves crew-cuts, and THEY were the ones who marched out in Charlottesville with Tiki torches.


    Just to try and make the conservatives look bad.




    I knew that looked like a black woman from the inner city. 


    Nice try, libs! Not falling for it.

    Why isn't that a smiley as yet? 


    @Teh_Laundromat make it happen :monocle:

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