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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. RENTBOYHBK Flop of the year right here Ghostz raped in under 24 hours again
  2. Best buy rewards and rent-a-center I'd feel sorry for this kid living in poverty if it wasn't for the fact that he blows all his money on Apple products and then tries to brag about how he's living the high life.
  3. "We go by GS" he says despite including a metacritic link in the original post Ghostz must be the only person who consistently self-owns himself on the first page evwry time.
  4. And again this is the future the lemshits want for the games industry.
  5. Can u copy/paste the important bits? I have twitter blocked so none od the tweets load.
  6. Could you imagine a new Halo game getting outsold by years old games back in the 360 days? It would be unheard of. The Halo franchise is dead.
  7. Games are meant to be fun (at least non-xbox games are), who the fuck wants to deal with this shit? Having to monitor a fucking economy for the best time to buy and sell
  8. Once again you make yourself look like an idiot ans then you lash out at other people for it Just like JenB. Next tike dont try to sound smart or make a point to defend Microshit because you ALWAYS get shut down.
  9. Because Sony understands the industry and Sony can create quality studios and games. Microsoft cant thats why they're desperately buying up existing publishes, or why they've tried to rely on existing successes to save their brand. It was thw same in the PC space. Companies like Microsoft cant create anything of value only buy existing successes and then mismanage thek until they're worthless.
  10. You gotta laugh at the way this weasel (Ghostz the renter) switches gears from lemming to sheep depending on what he needs to hide behind in an argument Lemshits are so pathetic
  11. You name 7 games then try to discredit 3 of them, and you call me dense? So Fallout sucks and Forza got old. You keep saying "I didnt have to pay for them" but thags the point, without GP you wouldnt be playing games you wouldnt otherwise look at, you'd be playing games that you know you will like and enjoy or games thag look really interesting. You're literally only playing games because they exist on Gamepass. I've been there with Netflix and it sucks, watching mediocrity just because it exists on the service. Except with Netflix it's not so bad wasting 90 mins to watch a medioc
  12. I was trying to be nice with that analogy The point is you settle for less. Thats fact as losttard, yourself and slow jenny have all admitted to spending time on mediocre games you would have otherwise ignored. You already admitted it so its pointless to even debate this. Its subpar settle for less gaming for the kind of poor bastards and rental dependent people like yourself that would own a series S.
  13. He's still settling for subpar games. To use a jerralogy there are plenty of hot chicks out there in the city. You could sign up for a dating site subscription to make it easier to meet girls initially. You just forfeited the 95% of girls that aren't on the app, and you notice there aren't many real hot ones (at least profiles that arent catfish) bur hey you're having a "fun enough" time fucking the chubbys and the 6/10s so what does it mattet right? Xflop Shamepass is settle for less gaming.
  14. You played hours and hours and hours of games you would have never otherwise had an interest in buying, sounds amazing Whos really the moron? I'll spell it out since you're borderline retarded - it's you.
  15. Ghostz is fucking retarded. I'd say he's shilling but this knucklehead has shown has he really is dumb enough to drink the corporate kool-aid. While its true that digital ownership is just a license, its still a fucking world away from Gamepass. You have a choice of thousands and thousands of gakes on Steam, games that have been there since the mid 2000s for the most part. Any that were removed but you bought you can still play. You can go replay any game from the history of steam that you purchased. The consumer has all the choice and the devs make money thats why the games are th
  16. "Straight to Gamepass" is quickly becoming the thing for flops that would otherwise stand no chance on the market. It's not surprising if you've ever checked out the abysmal lineup of movies available on Netflix. Most content exists only to be filler.
  17. No and I never will. Everything from Microsoft tenda to be shit and besides I have no interest in a longterm streaming service.
  18. Microsoft is evil as fuck all I hope is that one day it crashes and burns.
  19. TLHBFR!!! Vini, tranik, Rent-a-centerz, malaflop, kill yourselves
  20. Microsoft has mismanaged everything but lemshits are so brainwashed they want Microsoft to buy out the industry. You really can't underestimate how retarded the Lemmings are.
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