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Everything posted by kaz

  1. I actually started to enjoy it once it becomes more linear. I think the hub areas are stupid. And I wish it was still about Ruvik. And where the hell is Joseph? whatever, they had a good chance to make it a cool IP but they just ditched everything from the first game lol
  2. dude wrote amazing characters in pillars of eternity. I was sad to hear he wouldn't be involved in the sequel. Durance and Grieving Mother are such well written characters.
  3. sega megadrive owned, it had some amazing games and we had way more games for it than SNES, but the SNES is far superior in every way. I never found a true rivalry growing up, there just weren't any Sega-only fans, everyone just agreed the SNES was better.
  4. No. As the blooby fan here, they shouldn't have accept to remake SH2 either. Nobody wants it and it will put a stain on their legacy.
  5. yep and I really dig the idea. Diablo-MMO, they definitely looked at lost ark too. The world map is handcrafted too and they say it's pretty big, many towns and villages where you meet other people, but they also said they make it so you traverse the world more by yourself - they try to make it that people meet when world bosses or other events spawn. Not sure how, but yea. Also I think it will be on hobopass day 1. microsoft WINS again
  6. I finished the evil within and even though I hated it at first I started to enjoy it even though some insta-kill mechanics were kinda awful. Started evil within 2, I'm at chapter 4 and hate it. The story again but also the fact that I'm in a open world-like HUB. GD, I hope you are right about this game and it will get better for me.
  7. Counter-Strike is and will forever be the best mp fps you fucking clown. absolute noob talk no new maps hahaha lmfao, bu bu...baborant don't talk about competitive games, please. NOOB
  8. truly what everyone has been waiting for. turn this absolute story telling masterpiece into a movie spectacle!
  9. I don't care about the version I just have to point out how stupid the hate on GODsidian is in this thread when you non-gamers with terrible taste praise an old ass action shootey game with no story and terrible characters pretending to be a survival horror game
  10. that one of your favourite pocket knives you gut your victims with? also ontopic: ofc they all give it a 10 I give this trash not even a 0/10. It's just pure trash
  11. I'll pass, I know I will buy this day 1 probably. Won't play on release because of usual server chaos but I only heard good things so far. ^jerry never played a diablo before - how am I not surprised
  12. Yes, the SNES is the best console ever, but gamecube is the worst.
  13. That's pretty pointless. I love blooby games but layers of fear 2 was so much better than the first. and with Observer being their absolute masterpiece game equal to Soma it still looks amazing. It looks cool, not gonna lie but it's kind of a waste. I want them to get over with their SH2 remake and then work on a new IP. They are super talented. fuck y'all haters
  14. nothing, gamecube 10.0s, give me a fucking break
  15. If my calculations are correct we will see the PS5 Pro releasing in the year 2019.
  16. The best part is I had no problem playing the new games. The only game that I had some weird loading moments was Scorn, where everything was empty and the textures were taking 10 seconds to load - BUT this happened like three times in the entire playthrough so...
  17. should've stayed isometric... 3d looks like garbo. I enjoyed drifter for the style
  18. last time I did was right before GODpunk release. I still use HDD so I wanna get one or two SSD and do a clean install, no I idea how I managed to play new games like this.
  19. pretty damn good year for the lemfarts indeed lmfaooo
  20. imagine how that dumb bich must be feeling that this game with her in the spotlight failed so miserably... https://www.techpowerup.com/305747/forspoken-is-a-sales-flop-square-enix-cites-challenging-critical-reaction-dev-studio-being-disbanded one of the comments lol "Well we all know why
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