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Quad Damage

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Quad Damage

  1. you are, if youre claiming xbox one is the "best console to own." it collects dust on store shelves because it has 1 marquee multiplat so far and some annual forzas. xbox one is a bad console. its had the multiplat edge for barely over a year and the 1st party situtation is embarrassing and isnt ever getting better on xbox one.
  2. xbox one x has ONE multiplat thats both AAA and a graphical showpiece, after 15 months on the market. the rest are not moving the needle. og xbox and x360 had a solid mix of 1st/3rd party and western/japanese. and actual exclusives. guess we know what the third best xbox console to date is, eh? imagine taking rdr2-metro-ac origins over bloodborne-uncharted-horizon-god of war-etc
  3. how does xbox one compare to og xbox at this point of the cycle? Xbox 2005 vs Xbox One 2018 meanwhile... PS2 2005 vs PS4 2018 ps4 IS cranking out games left and right at a pace not seen since the ps2. 2017-2018 was an embarrassment of riches for ps4, while xbox one was just an embarrassment. just look at the head-to-head: PS4 vs Xbox 2017 PS4 vs Xbox 2018 one great single player game every 2 years? try every 2 weeks. xbox one x launched 15 months ago, and has ONE multiplat thats
  4. you press buttons on the controller and it controls the on-screen action whoa!
  5. at this point, xbox owners are just looking for something functional with better than 360 graphics. in this respect, the trinity of anthem-far cry- metro has delivered in spades.
  6. deeno wasnt the only one pulling for a face-saving low 7's miracle either. this resetera poll was conducted literally hours before the reviews hit more people predicted AA than 59 or lower
  7. not bad, actual game is hideous looking though
  8. pasted from an old post and you never can tell, there are people on here tha legit think every ps4 game is the same because they have trees.
  9. 6/10 https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/far-cry-new-dawn-review-tape-it-up/1900-6417086/ smart to release alongside a marquee microsoft 1st party title, guaranteed not to be the worst flop of the week/month
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