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The Official Covid-19 "What Are You Up To?" Thread. (No Flaming/Politics/News - We could use a positive thread lol)

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Put my dog down. 2020 fucking sucks.

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My friend from Colorado just texted me about how he's bored by doing nothing at the Harley Davidson dealership (apparently, they need to stay open as an "essential business") so he had bought a Switch and was playing Witcher 3 on it at work.


And then he tells me how much he loves playing Gwent.


And then I discovered that Gwent was just released on Android this past week, and its a gigantic 2.65 GB download.


So now we're going to start getting into online Gwent matches. Told him that there's a single-player Gwent game thats called Thronebreaker. That its like Puzzle Quest except you fight through playing Gwent, and its on Switch. So he's going to go hog wild for that.


And then we were talking about this other guy we know, whose younger wife is apparently into modeling and has her onlyfans website, and we're uh.......monitoring that.


Busy Monday.

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3 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:

Put my dog down. 2020 fucking sucks. :(

oh man. i'm sorry to hear. i had to put one of my cats down last summer. i was ugly face crying. mind you, i don't even cry at funerals (and get very uncomfortable when people cry around me). 

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9 hours ago, Casual said:

ah man those all look pretty sweet. might have to try and order a couple of them, this thing isn't ending anytime soon. 


and board games are awesome man, i just wish it was easier to get a group together to play. i have so many that just sit there collecting dust. not nearly as many as you though. scared to get too many more since they do take up quite a bit of space...

Boardgames are the best man, wish I found the hobby many years ago. 

Yeah it can be difficult to get a group together. I was lucky that my best friend and I sort of discovered it together and then nearly everyone I have introduced it to has loved it. Before this whole quarantine shit I would regularly be able to have like 2 gaming nights a week.  

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14 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

Put my dog down. 2020 fucking sucks. :(


I'm so sorry. I had to put my kitty to sleep a year ago and it was brutal. All you can do their last week is treat them like kings. 

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1 hour ago, Saucer said:


I'm so sorry. I had to put my kitty to sleep a year ago and it was brutal. All you can do their last week is treat them like kings. 

The truth! We spoiled my friend’s Doberman for about a week, knowing he was near the end. My friend was too upset to be there when the vet came to her place to euthanize him. So, I held the dog’s paw, as he was put down, and then helped the tech carry the body to the back of his suv. It was an awful day, but his last meals were 5 star. I wish my cat could have gotten the same treatment. He was too far gone, so I had to do it immediately at the hospital (he was suffering).  

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49 minutes ago, -GD- said:

The truth! We spoiled my friend’s Doberman for about a week, knowing he was near the end. My friend was too upset to be there when the vet came to her place to euthanize him. So, I held the dog’s paw, as he was put down, and then helped the tech carry the body to the back of his suv. It was an awful day, but his last meals were 5 star. I wish my cat could have gotten the same treatment. He was too far gone, so I had to do it immediately at the hospital (he was suffering).  


I've been to a lot of funerals including my brother and dad's and I was always stoic about it, but when my kitty died, I held it in my arms as they put him to sleep and tears were streaming down my face. There's something so innocent about them and they're so reliant on you and there was nothing I could do to save him. 

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5 minutes ago, Saucer said:


I've been to a lot of funerals including my brother and dad's and I was always stoic about it, but when my kitty died, I held it in my arms as they put him to sleep and tears were streaming down my face. There's something so innocent about them and they're so reliant on you and there was nothing I could do to save him. 

that's exactly how i am bro. i feel this post! 

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1 minute ago, Ike said:

Back at the office. It's so quiet here. Took me the last 3 hours to catch up on 2 weeks worth of emails.

yeah, i'm at the office too. i get small bits of "busy work", but the downtime is insane. i'm basically chatting online 6-7 hours of my 8 hour shift (i choose to not take a lunch break).

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12 minutes ago, -GD- said:

yeah, i'm at the office too. i get small bits of "busy work", but the downtime is insane. i'm basically chatting online 6-7 hours of my 8 hour shift (i choose to not take a lunch break).

Yup, the rest of my day will mostly consist of here and Reddit. :]

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