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Halo MP likely dropping Monday (UP: released)

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5 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

I've played two and a half hours now and I'm extremely underwhelmed. I don't know what lemmings are seeing here but this ain't it for me.


The gunplay feels slow and sluggish. I'm sure this was done to appease classic Halo fans but for someone like me that moved on from Halo years ago it just feels dated. The guns sound weak and the battles feel very small scale and tiny especially when you compare them to a game like Battlefield. The graphics are also very average and the game feels unoptimized on PC with a lot of weird stuttering. Doesn't look next gen in any way. I can see why Alex at Digital Foundry was shitting on it now because it doesn't look next gen in any way. I've played a lot of shooters even last gen that looked better and ran better. I'll still keep on playing it but once Friday arrives and Battlefield launches I'll be abandoning this shit. 


I haven't played Halo multiplayer since the 3 and Reach days and this honestly looks, sounds, and feels like it could have been DLC for those games, im not even exaggerating. Im seeing so many people praise how polished it is on other forums and im like well no shit, its literally not doing a single ambitious or interesting thing that the series hasn't already done over 10 years ago, I would hope it would be polished.

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8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:


I haven't played Halo multiplayer since the 3 and Reach days and this honestly looks, sounds, and feels like it could have been DLC for those games, im not even exaggerating. Im seeing so many people praise how polished it is on other forums and im like well no shit, its literally not doing a single ambitious or interesting thing that the series hasn't already done over 10 years ago, I would hope it would be polished.

Yea, I haven't played Halo since Halo 3 and I was shocked how similar this felt to the old Halo games. It's been 14 years since Halo 3 launched and these guys have barely done anything to move the series forward in a big way. It plays way too safe. While that may be okay in other genres I think it's dumb for a multiplayer shooter to play it safe in 2021.


There is a ton of competition in MP shooters and people's attention spans are very low. If your game isn't doing anything innovative it will abandoned in favor of other much bigger shooters out there. I can now see why they made it F2P but I don't think a free to play model will keep people playing this for 10 years like they hope. I'm only 2 hours in and I'm already getting bored. 343 better be working on something huge in the background to spice things up. I can see it being played for a few months before people get bored and go back to playing Warzone, Battlefield, Apex and Fortnite if they don't deliver something big and innovative  soon.

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4 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

Yea, I haven't played halo since Halo 3 and I was shocked how similar this felt to the old Halo games. It's been 14 years since Halo 3 launched and these guys have barely done anything to move the series forward in a big way. It plays way too safe. While that may be okay in other genres I think it's dumb for a multiplayer shooter to play it safe in 2021.


There is a ton of competition in MP shooters and people's attention spans are very low. If your game isn't doing anything innovative it will abandoned in favor of other much bigger shooters out there. I can now see why they made it F2P but I don't think a free to play model will keep people playing this for 10 years like they hope. I'm only 2 hours in and I'm already getting bored. 343 better be working on something huge in the background to spice things up. I can see it being played for a few months before people get bored and go back to playing Warzone, Battlefield, Apex and Fortnite if they don't deliver something big and innovative  soon.


Doesn't help that its apparently the full multiplayer offering, but the most interesting mode (BTB) only has 3 maps :| the persistence is also lacking, theres nothing to strive for besides the skins which seem nearly impossible to unlock on your own anyway unless you drop real $ on them. The MP isn't going to hold people's interests for long at this rate.

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7 hours ago, SegaGod said:

I got my series x today in preparation. Halo and FH5 prove the Xbox is for the players.

The lemming and Xbox resurrection is complete 😎

About 10 years ago Xbox was being ripped on for only offering Halo and Forza rehashes and little else.


A decade of drought later, lemmings get a new Halo and a new Forza at the same time and suddenly they think they’re on top of the world.


No you dumb cunt this is the exact problem xbox had a decade ago :D just because its had nothing since doesnt suddenly make these fresh

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1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

About 10 years ago Xbox was being ripped on for only offering Halo and Forza rehashes and little else.


A decade of drought later, lemmings get a new Halo and a new Forza at the same time and suddenly they think they’re on top of the world.


No you dumb cunt this is the exact problem xbox had a decade ago :D just because its had nothing since doesnt suddenly make these fresh

yep just now they're on PC too making it even worse.


I mean you have staunch xbox haters on this very forum who can play the game literally for free, on their PC just to laugh at it.



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4 hours ago, TLHBO said:

About 10 years ago Xbox was being ripped on for only offering Halo and Forza rehashes and little else.


A decade of drought later, lemmings get a new Halo and a new Forza at the same time and suddenly they think they’re on top of the world.


No you dumb cunt this is the exact problem xbox had a decade ago :D just because its had nothing since doesnt suddenly make these fresh

And another ratshit and a remake of a 10 year old game that didn’t need remaking is better? :drake:


The Xbox 10 years ago was the gamers console. It was  getting the best racing and the best TPS of all time within weeks. The playstation was for geeks who were hyping playstation all stars and claiming MGS4 was the best game of all time.

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5 minutes ago, SegaGod said:

And another ratshit and a remake of a 10 year old game that didn’t need remaking is better? :drake:


The Xbox 10 years ago was the gamers console. It was  getting the best racing and the best TPS of all time within weeks. The playstation was for geeks who were hyping playstation all stars and claiming MGS4 was the best game of all time.

Even IF your argument held weight (it doesn’t) that would be one bad year for PS out of many good ones


Xbox was NOT the gamers console 10 years ago :lul: let me refresh your memory kid because 10 years ago people like myself and Aza saw the writing on the wall and knew Xbox was in for a rough future.


Microsoft was losing games and developers left and right. Bungie? Gone. Team ninja? Gone. Bioware? Gone. Rare? Dead. PGR devs? Gone. Lionhead? About to die. Add in all the studios they shuttered too.


Microsoft was still chasing that Wii success and it wad kinect everything. Kinect sports, kinect animals, kinect racing.


If you were a gamer you got 3 things - the annual Halo rehash, the annual Forza rehash, and 30 day time exclusive CoD map maps. If it was a good year you might get a Gears thrown in too :D but essentially Microsoft was losing the games they did have and they had this absurd idea that “gamers” only needed Halo, Forza, and time-exclusive CoD dlc every year.


Needless to say when PS4 took over it took the third party support, the exclusivity deals and superior multiplats and all xbox had was, you guessed it, Halo and Forza. Even Gears disappeared pretty much lol


Its been around a decade and in that enite time microsoft hasnt made a single big hitting, worth playing franchise of note. I don’t wanna hear “the games are coming” because they’ve had damn near a decade and they’ve produced nothing but one hit flops. That’s why we found ourselves in 2021 and what do Lemmings tout as THE reason to own an xbox? That’s right, Halo & Forza.


Xbox is a joke and it is not and never shall be “the gamers console”.

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48 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Even IF your argument held weight (it doesn’t) that would be one bad year for PS out of many good ones


Xbox was NOT the gamers console 10 years ago :lul: let me refresh your memory kid because 10 years ago people like myself and Aza saw the writing on the wall and knew Xbox was in for a rough future.


Microsoft was losing games and developers left and right. Bungie? Gone. Team ninja? Gone. Bioware? Gone. Rare? Dead. PGR devs? Gone. Lionhead? About to die. Add in all the studios they shuttered too.


Microsoft was still chasing that Wii success and it wad kinect everything. Kinect sports, kinect animals, kinect racing.


If you were a gamer you got 3 things - the annual Halo rehash, the annual Forza rehash, and 30 day time exclusive CoD map maps. If it was a good year you might get a Gears thrown in too :D but essentially Microsoft was losing the games they did have and they had this absurd idea that “gamers” only needed Halo, Forza, and time-exclusive CoD dlc every year.


Needless to say when PS4 took over it took the third party support, the exclusivity deals and superior multiplats and all xbox had was, you guessed it, Halo and Forza. Even Gears disappeared pretty much lol


Its been around a decade and in that enite time microsoft hasnt made a single big hitting, worth playing franchise of note. I don’t wanna hear “the games are coming” because they’ve had damn near a decade and they’ve produced nothing but one hit flops. That’s why we found ourselves in 2021 and what do Lemmings tout as THE reason to own an xbox? That’s right, Halo & Forza.


Xbox is a joke and it is not and never shall be “the gamers console”.


All of those studios you mentioned turned to shit once they stopped being Xbox exclusive .  They let their standards drop once they moved to PlayStation since cows have lower standards.



And even the weakest forza and halo are better games than the best Sony shooters and racing games. Resistance was  your killer app  :hest:


Also let’s not forget how much better multi plays were on the x? Do you remember Skyrim ps3 ?  :D



The trouble with you is you started gaming on the ps1. You never grew up to appreciate good gaming.

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8 minutes ago, SegaGod said:


All of those studios you mentioned turned to shit once they stopped being Xbox exclusive .  They let their standards drop once they moved to PlayStation since cows have lower standards.



And even the weakest forza and halo are better games than the best Sony shooters and racing games. Resistance was  your killer app  :hest:


Also let’s not forget how much better multi plays were on the x? Do you remember Skyrim ps3 ?  :D



The trouble with you is you started gaming on the ps1. You never grew up to appreciate good gaming.

The fucking irony :tom: the phrase “xbox’d” has been around for 2 decades because everyone knows games go to shit on Xbox and the list is endless


Forza is boring trash. Even lemmings didn’t care about it :kaz: I remember when we used to rip on them because they would pick up Snorza, play around in paint mode and then never touch it again. The only reason they’re touching it now is because they have nothing else.


Playstations best games shit all over Halo and Forza, two dead franchises that were never fun or exciting.


You cant even hold Halo up as anything special anymore. It hasn’t been AAA since Bungie stopped working on it about a decade ago :fatcruise: not to mention Forza has probably had more flops than AAAs at this point.


You’re clinging onto two very old and very tired franchises that are long past their glory days. This is just sad. This is like those old washed up rock stars that hype up their latest album in 10 years, long after most people have stopped caring and it ends up being trash anyway but some diehard fanboys are pretending its still cool.


I was gaming long before PS kid. The difference is I retained my high standards, you’re one of those bitter Sega fags who was too butthurt to jump ship to Sony or Nintendo, too dumb to go to PC, so you took the only route you could and that was Xflop. Xbox has always been full of clowns like you. I was a Sega kid too but I wasn’t going to lower my standards out of butthurt. i realised Sony really was where it was at with the PS2 :smoke: 

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On 2021-11-16 at 6:54 AM, TLHBO said:

The fucking irony :tom: the phrase “xbox’d” has been around for 2 decades because everyone knows games go to shit on Xbox and the list is endless


Forza is boring trash. Even lemmings didn’t care about it :kaz: I remember when we used to rip on them because they would pick up Snorza, play around in paint mode and then never touch it again. The only reason they’re touching it now is because they have nothing else.


Playstations best games shit all over Halo and Forza, two dead franchises that were never fun or exciting.


You cant even hold Halo up as anything special anymore. It hasn’t been AAA since Bungie stopped working on it about a decade ago :fatcruise: not to mention Forza has probably had more flops than AAAs at this point.


You’re clinging onto two very old and very tired franchises that are long past their glory days. This is just sad. This is like those old washed up rock stars that hype up their latest album in 10 years, long after most people have stopped caring and it ends up being trash anyway but some diehard fanboys are pretending its still cool.


I was gaming long before PS kid. The difference is I retained my high standards, you’re one of those bitter Sega fags who was too butthurt to jump ship to Sony or Nintendo, too dumb to go to PC, so you took the only route you could and that was Xflop. Xbox has always been full of clowns like you. I was a Sega kid too but I wasn’t going to lower my standards out of butthurt. i realised Sony really was where it was at with the PS2 :smoke: 

You hit the nail on the head. A majority of these lemmings are butthurt SEGA fans that will rather sink with the Xbox ship than admit Sony and Nintendo have completely wrecked MS. I used to be a SEGA kid too but after Dreamcast I realized there was no need being loyal to any company and I went where majority of the AAA blockbuster games were.


Microsoft has been a haven for butthurt SEGA fanboys without the quality SEGA games and IPs. It was very obvious they were no SEGA once they started having HaloGearsForza on repeat during the tail end of the 360 gen. Now 10 years later we are still getting HaloGearsForza but this time  they are being handed out like Candy with a rental service and lems and some of the gaming media wanna act like it isn’t the same old stale franchises.


I took off my fanboy glasses and decided to give Halo a fair shot seeing as it was free to play with a lot of hype from lemmings on this board, only to find out it’s basically the same old stale shit I played 14 years ago but this time with a terrible progression system. Just like everything Xbox it’s designed for lems still living in the 360 glory days of over a decade ago.

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Played some Halo Infinite for the first time last night. I skipped all the betas and earlier access stuff on purpose, have went in to this with my hype at basically maximum, especially the MP and I got to say after about a couple hours I am a mix of underwhelmed and disappointed. I'll still be going all in on this game and it will be what I mostly play but there is numerous issues with the game. Firstly, coming off of Forza, this game feels like an entire generation behind. It is not impressive looking in any way, not only graphically but even the UI and feedback for the player. There is a huge range of customisations which is cool but it is tied behind what is easily the WORST progression system I have yet to see in a modern MP game. I actually can't believe it's this bad. The slowest most boring progression system ever and I would blame the fact it's F2P but nearly every other F2P game i've played has it infinitely better. It would take months and months to get any decent range of choices. Also apparently the first season is 7 months long???? No wonder they have to make it a snail pace. This is not how to do modern F2P games. 


On to the gameplay and for the most part it is good but also not necessarily what I expected from a 6+ year in development next gen Halo game. It feels dated. The Big Team Battles don't really feel like big team at all. The TTK is maybe just a fraction too long. There isn't enough map variety. There's some gameplay choices I don't like, like melee kills with oddball/flag not being 1 kill. The Arena maps are a bit better but still nothing amazing. I've played probably 30-50 or so hours of Splitgate this year and I honestly think that game is better than this. Feels more like a modern (while still classic) Halo than this Halo and then if we are comparing it to the prime FPS games out I feel it is miles away from Destiny from a gameplay perspective. 


But anyways, I will be sticking with it. Will be my december game, keen for the campaign and hopefully they make changes and improvements to the MP. 

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Remember the cool grappling hook from all the trailers? Well, its relegated to being a map pickup that you have to find, and when you do you can only use it 5 times :Jeff: Even the few interesting ideas that the game does have get chucked to the back seat in favor of 343's attempt to make the most traditional iteration of Halo multiplayer possible. I can't remember the last time a new game in a long standing franchise played it this safe, even CoD does more to change things up on a yearly basis.


Then theres the already mentioned lack of content (10 maps total with just 3 for BTB, and only a few modes/playlists) and the god awful progression system and its becoming increasingly obvious that most people are going to fall off of this game incredibly fast, even if the initial player numbers are impressive.


They seem to be doing more new stuff with the campaign at least, but the multiplayer seems like such a low effort afterthought that I don't think 343 is capable of making an impressive campaign either.

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48 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Remember the cool grappling hook from all the trailers? Well, its relegated to being a map pickup that you have to find, and when you do you can only use it 5 times :Jeff: Even the few interesting ideas that the game does have get chucked to the back seat in favor of 343's attempt to make the most traditional iteration of Halo multiplayer possible. I can't remember the last time a new game in a long standing franchise played it this safe, even CoD does more to change things up on a yearly basis.


Then theres the already mentioned lack of content (10 maps total with just 3 for BTB, and only a few modes/playlists) and the god awful progression system and its becoming increasingly obvious that most people are going to fall off of this game incredibly fast, even if the initial player numbers are impressive.


They seem to be doing more new stuff with the campaign at least, but the multiplayer seems like such a low effort afterthought that I don't think 343 is capable of making an impressive campaign either.

That’s like the coolest new aspect too. 

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