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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Libs will have his image fully reformed within 2 cycles just like George W Bush By 2030 there will be a new "worst president ever" and they will be reminiscing about the good old Trump days. "At least he was funny" they will say
  2. Thats a preference, the technology in both versions of PS5 are the same except the blu ray drive
  3. People love vikings I thought the game was looking rough but it has reviewed well
  4. PS5 is more powerful in practice as the games show Not only will MS never compete with Sony first party graphically, they will be behind on multiplats too. The advantage will only increase as more devs start development on PS5 first without the last gen anchor and SSD and Geometry Engine advantages come to fruition Rough gen coming up for lemtots
  5. Demons Souls looks so good. I checked out Shadow of the colossus remake with BC as well. Not enough people talk about how good it looks, they are wizards at Bluepoint
  6. Its a repair kit for the broken archstone! The mad men did it /s
  7. They are avoiding it big time after buying whole heartedly into the 12 tf narrative Oh but they released a Series S video today and compared games like Valhalla across Xbox consoles. So they have done it already, just not releasing the video
  8. No, you'll end up paying more for something decent and they are overheating and loud
  9. PS5 SERIES X Article: Bloober Team’s Observer was brilliant, and now it’s even better. Available on next-gen consoles and PC, Observer: System Redux takes the original, gives it a visual makeover and adds in new content and gameplay tweaks. Unfortunately, though, we’ve found that the next-gen versions of the game haven’t been created equally. Aside from the fact that the PS5 has DualSense support, there are other notable differences which the Xbox Series X/S version can’t match. Advertisement Delve into
  10. LMAO Not only did you claim PS5 would have paired back graphics and effects, you claimed it would be just like Series S
  11. There are no Series X GPU advantages with those RDNA1 CUs powering the console
  12. Yeah, so Xbox should have an easier time extracting full capabilities as PS5s true advantages will come to fruition when SSD forms the basis of the development pipeline
  13. Go for it. No console has ever flipped the advantage on what the initial games showed the differences to be Lemmings tried the same argument about tools with Xbox One that never eventuated
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