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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Someone else uploaded the trailer again, so I'm guessing it will go down quick, but here goes God damn this is looking great That's probably the best trailer for the game they've made as well. Just a few more days
  2. Yea I agree though. Hopefully they change it in the future.
  3. LMFAO this is completely false... omfg The only time it has to optimize and select your settings is when you install new drivers because it has to build a shader cache... and it doesn't take 10 fucking minutes... less than 1 minute.. The game saves your options... OMFG Deeno
  4. LMAO the cows in this thread laughing about 30fps racing games when they were touting how amazing Driveclub looked and how fast it felt... lmao idiots
  5. For video games, this technology does make a lot of sense. There's definitely potential there. What people should be thinking about is not just interpolation to double the fps from 30 to 60.. but other, more practical ways it could help. I've thought about this before for gaming shortly after VR came out and developers were figuring out all sorts of ways to deal with dropped frames. It's very similar in principle to asynchronous timewarp. They could essentially take a 60fps targeted game, and whenever the renderer drops frames they could insert a generated interpolated frame in it's place
  6. Downloading Xbox games from directly from MS with no Xbox just to play their games at 3x the fps and better graphics. That is also PC gaming Buying a Switch because Xbox sucks so bad... lmao! MoobsHBR
  7. It's completely useless to try to compare these games across platforms because it's never like for like. The only thing you can do is get a "general sense" of the performance... and between consoles you can kinda look at where the performance and resolution sit at. On PC there's far more to customize but there's no dynamic scaler in the PC version. If the Xbox One X version didn't dynamically adjust the resolution, the average framerate would be much lower... What you're seeing on X1X is impacted performance while the GPU is struggling to hit a given resolution and within a given fps thresh
  8. You can hit high 1440p 60fps pretty easily with the GTX 1060.. maybe some dips here and there. Probably at Xbox One X settings you could probably tweak the res to get to the same performance as the X1X. They're essentially matched.
  9. Anyway, thread should be about the consoles vs each other, and the PS4 Pro got raped
  10. I just tried it... it basically feels exactly like what I remember BB feeling like... It's a 30fps game after all Of course you get used to it after a bit... but it's REALLY jarring coming off of Dark Souls 3 on PC at 60fps.
  11. Who plays this shit long enough for that to even be an issue? If your game is good.. PC players will play that shit forever... if it's not then we got better shit to do The shit console gamers dream up
  12. This is Sony offering the game on their own service shithead You never think before you post
  13. It's not nearly as bad as you say it is... and the game is factually best on PC. The player base wont be tiny in comparison to either console.. lmao what are you smoking?
  14. The argument was made that it was best on PC.. and he replied "not yours" signifying that he acknowledges that it can be.. given the spec of the PC. There's no denying that BFV is better on my PC than it is on any console. And nah... he doesn't have any real point. He's not going to be good enough at the game that he's gonna be calling out cheaters from the non cheaters... lmao. He's gonna play the game and die repeatedly just like most other people. It's a bullshit excuse... and grossly overstated because people just want to blame others because they suck. A lot of people CLA
  15. What does it matter how long it takes? lmao.. half the games PS4 gets are PS3 remasters Bloodborne is no longer exclusive lmao.. TCHBR
  16. Or yours either On mine though
  17. Where's the PRO version of this trailer?
  18. Nah. Basically you just misunderstand shit as it pertains to everything that "non cows" say just so you can try to make some argument. The problem with that being that you're always just setting yourself up to lose
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