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Everything posted by 54212

  1. No they didn't, fagballs. The black supremacists who think they're the real Israelites did.
  2. Calling teenagers racist names is totally okay if they're wearing a MAGA hat. Fucking dox the fuckers too. Woke as fuck.
  3. You got so upset you supported them getting called racist names, doxed, and inundated with death threats. What a faggot.
  4. Dude all you do is gish gallop when you're cornered for being a know-it-all who doesn't know jack shit. This is the corniest gaslighting I've seen on here in ages.
  5. You get triggered by 15-year-olds wearing MAGA hats.
  6. When the only person on the board who doesn't think you're a giant faggot fucks up and you have to pretend a two minute Google search is an Agatha Christie book to try and save his lame ass.
  7. He doesn't think his side can risk self-criticism because the stakes are too high in the culture war and the outcome is uncertain. March in line like a good soldier. And he doesn't understand that's how his side got so warped to begin with.
  8. Jews have highly disproportate power relative to their population size. That's highly problematic. Intersectionalism demands that all identity groups be fairly represented in accordance with their population size. It's oppressive and gross for any identity group to hoard power like this. You're a racist and a fascist to support it. Stop being a garbage person. Free Palestine!
  9. We can only pay attention to one issue at a time (well as long as it makes Lefitsts look bad). Ignore the SJ inquisition. Drumpf's a traitor! And the companies aren't owned by Deripaska. He he owns shares in them, and the Treasury Dept lifted the sanctions because Deripaska lowered his shares in them. Can you ever not lie when it comes to politics?
  10. Yeah when you're out of his visual range, he uses sound to track you down. Gunshots, slamming doors, and running will all alert him to your location.
  11. The sperg-go-round is caused by Jerry needing to get the last word in when he gets in an argument.
  12. We only need 1 more vote. I pledge $100 to the kids with Brittle Bone Disease in those Shriners commercials if just 1 more vote is cast and we reach the finish line. We can do this. We can make the lives of crippled little kids worth living. We can make their bravery a beacon for all of mankind forever.
  13. Every night at midnight when the cap resets there will be a flurry of new Jerry posts.
  14. Cookie said it needs 10 upvotes and it already has 6. Gentleman, let the laughs begin. https://systemwars.net/bb/topic/205214-john-from-df-im-quitting-because-of-alt-left-resetera/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-4081205
  15. I'd argue: - The X1 and PS4 install bases are a lot bigger now. - RE7 was the first budget mainline RE game. REmake2 is a full-on AAA RE game. - RE7 doesn't have much replay value. - People in general like the RE4 formula better than the RE7 formula, and REmake2 is RE2+RE4. - Capcom's brand reputation is strong again. When RE7 came out, it was on the rocks.
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