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Everything posted by dakur

  1. I hope you see that piece is sarcasm, guys who call themselves feminists to get pussy are not really feminists, that's the point. But anyways, it depends what you mean by feminism, there are feminists I agree a lot with almost completely but there's a portion of the new feminist millennial version that I can't digest. So I have no idea if I'm a feminist or not nor do I care so much about labeling myself. I have dated self-identified feminists and I have found they're not the crazy man-hating stereotype many in the right make out to be. I have found they're actually very
  2. You got rejected by a prostitute?
  3. Going to the ghetto with so much money is not smart. You could end up kidnapped and raped. Unless that's what you want. Rich people are sick fucks.
  4. .... or maybe that's why he has money
  5. I heard the podcast and I agree with pretty much everything. I'm pretty leftist myself but there is a point where this culture about victimhood and offensiveness is crossing the line to absurdity. If you hear the podcast they mention that this extreme is only happening in some universities, which is good, we don't want this sort of hysterics to spread too much because it will undermine real social justice. For me what these two guys describe is basically the equivalent of a witch hunt. You basically have a bunch of young inexperienced people who think they know everything (which is very common
  6. Ok, I read the whole article now and she does seem to have issues but not because of the part you quoted. The description she made of the encounter she had with a guy where she ends up blaming him for wanting to cuddle and for wanting her to have an orgasm tells me this woman has probably issues with intimacy and sexuality and either she's not very experienced or she really chooses only assholes to have sex with. Women like this expect guys to be able to read minds or what? Wtf, people don't know about communication? Is not like people are born with knowledge about what works for everyone else
  7. The title itself is retarded but that quote itself is not that much. It is a fact that women can orgasm without penetration and I don't understand how can a person be so clueless to not know that. Are there really guys out there who think this?
  8. dakur


    No, the US has acted like a bully for a long time. The mess in the Middle East is in large part because of decades of failed foreign policies from the US and its allies. It all started because of this kind of retarded arrogance you show here.
  9. dakur


    How convenient... the US creates a constant looming threat of occupation and destruction throughout the world and then you say that it is inevitable that there exists a looming threat of destruction and occupation. Well then don't expect sympathy when 9/11s keep happening to you then, other nations shouldn't have to put up with a bully. Also expect more migration from the war torn countries you leave behind.
  10. dakur


    No, that's why countries have sovereignty and they can choose through their electoral processes with which other countries they ally or not. Nobody appointed the US police of the globe, they appointed themselves. If you ask those thousands of murdered, disappeared and tortured chileans they would disagree that the US should have overthrown their democratically elected government.
  11. dakur


    Still doesn't justify the US interfering with other nations' electoral processes and by doing so causing the deaths of thousands of people.
  12. I'm going to Greece next week. I need their coordinates.
  13. Don't worry, cold temperature is patriarchal so you're good. https://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/is-your-thermostat-sexist
  14. He owns like 20 consoles and spends his time playing cookie clicker and SoT
  15. dakur


    Funny how the US suddenly is the one to dictate how the democracy of other countries work. Hillary Clinton actually got more votes than Trump. I guess that justifies other country to promote a coup in the US and overthrow your government while killing a bunch of republicans. Fuck off with your cheap justifications. Allende's coup happened in 9-11. Thanks to the US more people died there than in the US 9-11. It's good to remember both acts of international terror no matter how much apologists on each side try to justify one or the other.
  16. Deeno feels sick because of ebay trolling but finds acceptable to blow up mexicans on the border with landmines
  17. I'm all in favor of the gaming media ignoring the Xbox. It isn't even a gaming system anymore and its fans aren't gamers.
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