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Everything posted by hoshino

  1. Translation: mom and dad couldn’t stand my body odor or horrible personality for one second beyond the 18 years they are legally obligated to care for me.
  2. No you wouldn’t have. You’re a coward. You’re boasting on an Internet forum about assaulting a child. You’re a wieney and you need to take a good hard look in the mirror.
  3. SJW culture is truly a cancer on our society and a direct threat to civility and life as we know it. It is the natural opponent of logic and reason. Liberals are ruining the very social fabric that holds us together.
  4. sounds like an easy week. You should try not being a scumbag degenerate.
  5. say hi to your dell membrane keyboard for me kiddo
  6. Side printed PBT keycaps. White LED underglow. Gateron brown switches. Wireless over bluetooth TLHBO
  7. optimization has nothing to do with this
  8. What do you want them to do retard? High res textures occupy a lot of space.
  9. haha, no, no online component whatsoever. Would be kind of cool if they had a PvP arena like they did in ALBW now that the combat is much deeper.
  10. They're only fun to me when playing competitively online/at LAN
  11. great game, but BoTW is my GOTG. That game redefined both a genre and a beloved franchise. A fucking masterpiece and I can't wait for the next game.
  12. And it came out with 3 weeks left in 2018. Sheep won this gen.
  13. So that’s why everyone needs an OLED computer monitor? Because you have yours connected to a TV?
  14. 970. I mostly just play Dota though, which I run at 200fps. Probably upgrading soon too.
  15. I've noticed that even on bestbuy displays
  16. Is 60hz going to be unusable for me now?
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