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System Warrior
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Everything posted by sugarhigh

  1. Personally I wouldn't want OLED due to burn-in. But it would be nice to have deeper blacks. I really don't have a problem with the Deck screen, it looks better than my son's OG Switch (more in terms of visible pixels than color accuracy) but it's in the same class.
  2. Yep, and it's super nice if you have a monitor with USB-C input and a built-in USB hub. One cable for charging, 4k display, kbm, and usb disk. You can also use the Deck built-in display and trackpads in Desktop mode, which isn't great but can get the job done for minor tasks.
  3. I agree, it goes to show how far ahead Valve is from all of its so-called competitors and why Steam effectively IS PC gaming. Efforts to take games out of the Steam ecosystem just make PC gaming worse for players. Developers and publishers should be trying to integrate more with Steam APIs.
  4. EGS is dogshit and makes it worse to game on PC. If someone wants to make a better client than Steam, we can talk. There's room to improve on Steam, but Epic isn't even in the competition. The most likely one would be MS porting the Xbox UI as a Windows app/overlay.
  5. I'm not mad if it's on both, tho true ballers ignore EGS completely.
  6. I want this on Steam Deck so bad. Hopefully they get cross-play/save in there. Good on Sony for skipping EGS on this one (assuming it's true).
  7. Like 5 different gaming podcasts talked about how MS would clean up Activision's harassment culture if the acquisition went through. Some even said MS would be more friendly to the unionization effort. Craven fucking slugs.
  8. I got the 512 and I still wound up buying 3 more 512 SD cards
  9. No, we're just winning on all fronts. It even plays Nintendo games better than the switch. Again this is your mutant fetus controller:
  10. I think the underlying idea is that Deck is a niche device for nerds who want to tinker. Which first of all is a trait of successful, interesting people. But more importantly Jerry is bullshit because Deck is a much better gaming device than the Switch. It's way more comfortable to hold, it's got real analog sticks, analog triggers and a real d-pad. Nintendo took a kitchen-sink approach to gaming scenarios and all of them are compromised. The joycon is the shittiest controller of all time. Even Google Stadia is better.
  11. You've been trying to invent meaningless goalposts since Deck was released. That it's some kind of own to play indies and older games on a handheld.
  12. What do you mean? Switch can't play it at all.
  13. Nah just playing a lot of games that would make the switch melt.
  14. Not my fault remij lowered their standards.
  15. Switch *didn't* achieve this. Switch requires bespoke ports. If Switch failed in the market like the WiiU, or just gets replaced by Switch 2 it's a dead system. Steam Deck can never die, because PC development will never die. The worst that can happen to Deck is Valve stops improving it. But even if that happens, it'll still be a useful gaming system.
  16. I cancelled my subscription several months ago after joining when the PC version was announced. Most of the time, I just didn't use the service. And the times I did, it was for a game I would prefer to just own.
  17. Currently playing No On Lives Forever (2000)
  18. The success of Spiderman led to Sony's aquisition of Insomniac, who had recently made Sunset Overdrive, an Xbox exclusive. So MS possibly missed out having one of the most successful dev teams as 1st party.
  19. The things you're saying are my qualms with Epic. The splintering of portals like Origin, Uplay, BattleNet, etc is one of the worst aspects of PC gaming. It's bad enough that even console games often want a publisher-bs user login, on PC you don't even have one library of games. But Epic is really fucking the dog with a cross-publisher portal that isn't close to Steam's functionality, and aggressively seeks exclusivity deals. They're actively dragging the PC gaming experience back to a PS2-caliber online experience, no amount of free games will make up for that. You're totally righ
  20. If a game I want is EGS exclusive, I will pirate. The problem with free games is that Epic can claim millions of active users which is crucial when advertising AAA exclusivity to publishers.
  21. I hope it does work out that way. Might take a few years. If I could game exclusively on Steam/SteamOS, that would be ideal. Yo one thing that has to happen is full support for Dualsense haptics on PC. PlayStation is far ahead of the competition on this.
  22. I'm trying to figure out if it's more damaging to Epic to redeem their free games and never spend a dime on that shit vs ignoring it completely. I hope EGS fucking dies.
  23. I don't know if Sony is actually going to get to day-and-date PC releases. It seems like the approach they're taking is to have dedicated PC porting teams rather than having the primary teams do it. Bungie being the noted exception here. But clearly Sony is moving in that direction, and I like it. Returnal can't come to the Steak Deck soon enough.
  24. Outer Worlds playing at > 50fps on low settings, then ~ 25fps at very high: https://www.veed.io/view/e134b38d-284d-4186-9909-234ff79bedc3
  25. I'm over here playing Oblivion on a handheld PC folks.
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