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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Btw I lied there is no easy mode. But it isn’t like a Souls game or anything. I’ve found it challenging but nothing like overly aggravating and you look forward to the next run honestly.
  2. Easy mode and skip the sides. Game is fun af to play with one of the best battle systems for a JRPG ever. It’s a cool mix of real time action and turn based. Game is gorgeous and easily one of the best looking games of last gen. These haters are just butthurt because it wasn’t a 1-for-1 remake. I enjoyed the story and characters are a lot. You’re in for a treat dude. I’m playing the bonus content of this. Just be prepared even on easy and no sides you’re looking at about 30-35 hours of game.
  3. Loki started off well. Nice world building so far and good setup for the season. Nice to see Hiddleston in the role. He just commands the screen as that character. Owen Wilson pretty good too. Excited to see how that dynamic develops.
  4. They have easy mode with more health drops and stuff like that to make your runs easier. Game is top notch with atmosphere and sound design. Once you put on headphones, it transports you the game. It’s so good dude.
  5. Nah, it’s not too bad. The deaths aren’t cheap or anything most of the time. His third phase really handicapped me right away when he did this melee attack like 4 times to start his last health bar
  6. Died on the first biome boss in Returnal. I had 25% left on the last health bar.
  7. This will come out the same time RR Martin releases Winds of Winter.
  8. You’ll be making a thread jerking yourself off when the pc port is announced.
  9. Detail is fucking insane, this game was really well done and given love by Insomniac. What a great pick up by Sony Studios. I think Spider-Man 2 for PS5 might be my most anticipated game. Hope we see it at E3.
  10. Just ordered this today with my Amazon Visa rewards points
  11. Set up my PSVR finally with my PS5 and played a bunch of Beat Sabers lol.
  12. You’re clowning it now but will be begging for a port in 2-3 years and be claiming ownage when it comes to PC. Remji threads really are the worst.
  13. Stopped 45 minutes into Cruella. It was cringeworthy bad and even my gf noted how in your face girl power and men are bad it is. Also, trying to make a character who wants skin puppies sympathetic did not work.
  14. Higher education and a yearning for knowledge is a great thing, but yeah, colleges and especially private universities are just rackets to make money. Even the admission process is expensive and you pay application fees, fees to take SATs and AP tests. The most important thing I learned from going to college was critical thinking and proper research with verified sources. I think that’s really the greatest asset someone gets from higher education.
  15. Yeah because Nintendo is totally just going to have those games and totally not going to announce anything at all for Q3/Q4 at E3… Meanwhile I’m sure MS will be chugging out more proof of concept CGI trailers for its worthless fridge of a console.
  16. Conjuring 3 was an enjoyable enough diversion but it was the weakest yet of the main 3 films. Ed and Lorraine still good but the writing and plot just aren’t as good as the other 2.
  17. As long as Clippers get bounced before WCF, I don’t really care who wins after the Celtics been eliminated.
  18. Hermslob logic, “Sure glad we spent $1000+ to play more old ports.”
  19. I still think they can announce it before E3. They still have tomorrow and all of next week. They can probably announce it right before E3 starts and get the momentum going in and then they have one of the last events to close on June 13 with even more momentum.
  20. Paying $2000+ to play a game over half a decade old sure is owning. Fucking hermits.
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