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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I liked the latter half of the series more than the first half FWIW.
  2. Bly just isn't for everyone I think. It's a slow burner show much like The Outsider was.
  3. Dude, who gives a shit about conflicts of interest or looking like a hypocritical POS anyways?
  4. Nothing but bootlickers in here. Imagine if Biden had been found to have a bank account that he never disclosed.
  5. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-china-bank-account-hotel-deals-tax-records
  6. Would've failed even without a global pandemic.
  7. I guess lemmings don't care about games. They make more PS5 threads than any regarding their own console.
  8. I agree that the two party system is fucked. We need ranked voting for elections.
  9. Nah, fuck the GOP. They've done jack shit except obstruct the last 20 years when the democrats have tried to reach out. Bipartisanship is a farce. I hope the Dems take the house, senate, and the white house and the GOP goes the way of the whig party.
  10. Seahawks reportedly interested in bringing in Antonio Brown. Enjoy your cancer, @Teh_Diplomat
  11. No, keeping track of the parents and reuniting kids with their families is not the fault of the parent you fucking dumbass.
  12. Yes, we all would've preferred Bernie but Biden's policies are infinitely better than Trump's no policy for another 4 years.
  13. God, him and Sherman on the corners is gonna be godly.
  14. Twinblade really saying that Biden using his power and influence to make his son rich is something Trump hasn't done for his kids in exactly the same way? Why are Ivanka and Jared white house officials? What have Trump Jr. and Eric ever done besides ride daddy's coat tails? And finally, Trump himself literally got rich from his father's wealth.
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