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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. WTF? joke or is there truth to this? i'd love to see a pic
  2. i still want to play this, but i don't have 60 hours to invest in a game.
  3. i hear it's actually fun too. i doubt i'll ever get around to it, unless it ends up on gamepass.
  4. I enjoyed TLOU’s premiere very much. It’s everything I had hoped it would be. death was a gut punch, more so than in the game. Aesthetically, I love the desaturated color grading. I also love how the cgi feels more organic and not ultra stylized.
  5. God of War 2 is still my favorite. The OG was dope too, though.
  6. The Mass Effect Collector’s Edition got me through a sibling going through chemo. Tv shows work too.
  7. I definitely play games as an escape. The Mass Effect trilogy and the Persona games got me through some fucked up shit when I needed a distraction.
  8. I’ve been there, homie.
  9. Yeah, it’s very competitive!
  10. still, i lol at people who watch wrestling. i didn't even like it when i was a kid. boxing >>
  11. i think the best mindset is to not have that feeling that you have to play everything. just play the occasional title that looks interesting....or replay older games that you enjoyed.
  12. Nah. The only fish I like, I eat.
  13. I go through phases. I’ll play a bunch...then nothing….then the occasional title. It depends on what’s going on in my life. If a bunch of shit is going down, I’ll take a break or play a short campaign. If I’m working a lot, but want to game, I’ll play something - even a long campaign. If I’m not neglecting my obligations, I never feel bad about gaming.
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