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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Its become obvious that the gun issue is affected by basic political tribalism. Donald Trump is saying that he will be banning bump-stocks within October. This is the one year anniversary of the Las Vegas shooting in which the guy had bump stocks on his semi-automatic rifle to make it constantly fire into the crowd, almost like a fully automatic rifle. Trump has been saying, repeatedly, that he thinks bump stocks should be outlawed. Have you seen Fox news go crazy? Nope. Have you seen extreme right-wing and second amendment groups go crazy? Nope. Very litt
  2. Except he just said that he sets shortcuts for the apps but pressing TWO KEYS on his keyboard at the same type. You really do have trouble keeping up.
  3. apparently not. see: Sony outselling MS, yet again.
  4. Its fucking sad that we have people like this leading the country. But if a trash can blows up in Boston, they can't wait to pass as many laws and devote as many billions as possible.
  5. Because one hand is less than Cooke's two hands. ...............try keeping up, guess you had trouble reading that part on your XS max. LOL
  6. the only damage control Sony has is that Sony is winning the console war and crushing Xbox. lol. that's all, I guess.
  7. i have one dedicated button on the side of my Samsung, in which I press and hold (single-handed) "flashlight on". Or "Bluetooth settings" Or "Screen brightness 20%" Or "Display settings" Wait a minute you need to set a shortcut to SEE your goddamn battery meter? My phone has an always-on OLED display that shows a clean white letters on a black screen that always shows Time, Calendar, and Battery. And if the screen turns completely off (after extensive inactivity) its turn back on if it sense my face or movement in front of the phone, and it turns on th
  8. Oh so what you are saying is that your Russians are so mentally weak that Putin doesn't NEED to try so hard in order to dominate all of you. Yeah...........I think i can agree to that.
  9. You getting your own countries government murders mixed up??????? I don't blame ya. Its hard to keep track, over there.
  10. What's the matter.........I figured you would've been happy today since the news came out the Putin killed the Oligarch liason who oversaw that Russian Lawyer who conducted that Trump Tower meeting. Putin trying to kill off more loose ends. He was in a chopper that was flying, unauthorized, through some forrest region, and it......uh, "crashed" for some reason. Either shot down, or shoddy Russian craftsmanship. Either scenario is likely.
  11. pro did win. jonb ended up being more right about that than anything else he's ever typed. LOL
  12. so in the time that it takes you to push and hold two buttons (which would require two hands), I simply pushed home and then another app from my main home screen. Single-handed.
  13. The reason why he is making that SPECIFIC argument is because his ultimate prediction on the Switch last year was: "One day, all of a sudden, people will turn and immediately hate the Switch and Nintendo, and Switch sales will immediately tank." So, in order for his narrative to get to that conclusion, he thinks Nintendo is going to fuck over 20+ million current Switch owners.
  14. Wait a minute, you have to sit there and program it? Wouldn't it take less time to just swipe to an app menu and simply tap the app to open it? And if its going to be an app you commonly use, why wouldn't you just put it on your home screen, or in an adjacent screen close to your home screen?
  15. lol, not documentation. Nintendo develops games for the Switch using middleware tools developed by nVIdia, and so would third-parties.
  16. I love how Dynocrap keeps on trying to insinuate that nVidia doesn't know how to introduce new processing hardware while still being able to natively run, and intuitively "boost" software that was designed for the previous Switch spec. .................and also not have developer tools already in place for developers to easily improve their game to run on better nVidia specs. For anybody that does not know, Nintendo's agreement to use nVidia hardware also includes development tools and software libraries from nVidia.
  17. riiiiiiiight. because, as we all know.................nVidia and ARM processing hardware doesn't have a good history of being easily backwards compatible with previous versions.
  18. Xbox One (2013) - $500 Xbox One S (2016) - $400 Xbox One X (2017) - $500 yeah right.
  19. Yup, that's what it says through google translate. I dunno, it could be a Switch Mini, with the same exact specs, or it could be a beefier handheld. Or, it could be a new dock that has hardware in it, and works with the current switch to improve the console playing experience.
  20. i doubt their VR solution back in 1995 would've been good, in general, even based on the standards of the time.
  21. what? are saying that you press Function + F to open up facebook or something? That's stupid.
  22. The project here is quite obvious. All I said was that I have played games, and you are wrong. And you start getting mad. ........in your own thread, no less. Still talking about me.
  23. I didn't debated it. I simply won it. By telling you that I do play games. Why would I debate something I already completely corrected you, and said you're completely wrong? No debating needed. LOL
  24. No, I do. You're right, there is no debate. But you are completely wrong. I love how you think this is the best argument you can do.
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