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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Nope, again you fags are trying to strip lemmings of exclusivity and not letting you If your argument is you don't need an Xbox to play it well I don't need a ps5 to play Sony exclusives I can do remote play on PC. So no more exclusives for you either. Suck dicks cows. You can see gamepass and Bethesda etc looming on the horizon and you wanna rig the game to win SW. Nah
  2. lmao Sheep running to Sony's defense in every thread Cows with Gameboy
  3. Are you gonna keep the same energy if Sony starts to release all their games on PC? What's even the point of SW then?
  4. I need a Microsoft OS to play it, so it's exclusive. I can play this technicality game all day.
  5. No PC cross platform BS. Every xbox game from now is on is on PC so you don't get to entirely take exclusivity away from lemmings over a technicality. In all fairness I'll still count HZD as AAAE for cows I guess what I'm really trying to say is PC is not a real faction all their games run on a MICROSOFT operating system. We own you Hermshits
  6. So how did it go Aza? Are you starting to feel loyalty to Chairman Xi yet?
  7. Vini

    Hitler was right

    Look at those uniforms. Plus he's a painter? Gay af
  8. Not only do I completely agree with Dynoshit I'd like to add to this point. VERY NSFW: https://i.imgur.com/0lq6eTM.jpg
  9. Vini

    Hitler was right

    As a gay man, what are the chances you would say Hitler was gay? I'd say 90%
  10. Vini

    Hitler was right

    Just kidding lmao you guys sure about this whole no moderation thing
  11. Yeah as a tool against Putin he's definitely useful he's completely out of his mind
  12. Shits not that simple Navalny is closer to Trump than Putin is, he's a nationalist who hates foreigners and thinks everyone else should be expelled from Russia. Ring any bells?
  13. I'm not even a big fan of this Navalny guy he's super xenophobic but shit's getting real @Aza tell your boy to batten down the hatches
  14. I mean if you're playing straight detective you need to prove it with full evidence I went half the mission as detective and then that target woman walked in randomly into the crime scene along with one guard and I took both of them out. Also I hope you guys are playing on master it's so much better.
  15. Why you guys arguing about Cyberpunk, get this game. Level 2 is a fuckin masterpiece it's James Bond, Sherlock Holmes and Hitman rolled into one.
  16. Who's playing? I've been following different storylines and some of them are great. The detective in that mansion is fuckin hilarious. You can tell last gen is holding this back a little but they did a great job regardless.
  17. Yea no more cross gen BS after Cyberpunk there's plenty of money to be made next gen even this year already
  18. Streaming games Streaming games over wifi on a 720p screen
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