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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. It's because they think the rich are better people than they are due to the number in their bank account or their stock portfolio. Ghostz, Ramza, Slow Johnny...none of them will ever be the millionaires that they're fighting for. They truly have no concept of what making 10 million per year is like because they're too busy arguing about how little that amount is if you're a billionaire. One of these dudes is arguing this while flipping burgers. I guarantee you if you said "i'll give you a position where you make more than 10 million per year, but you have to accept a
  2. It doesn't if they pay their taxes. They're not paying their taxes. Panama Papers. Look it up.
  3. Are you under the impression that international flights weren't a thing in the 50's?
  4. And that has what to do with rich people leaving America in the mid-1900's due to a 70%, and higher, marginal tax rate? Nothing at all? You're having a hard time finding anything because it didn't happen.
  5. Rich kids are more likely to be successful than talented kids: https://www.nber.org/papers/w25114 https://inequality.org/research/selfmade-myth-hallucinating-rich/ https://www.quora.com/What-percentage-of-wealthy-people-in-the-U-S-had-wealthy-parents The likelihood grows with the parent's income. What, did you think the Walton kids just got their education and hopped out into the work force on their own making 50k/yr?
  6. Yeeaaaahhh, that's a bunch of bullshit you just typed right there to hand-wave away why rich people being taxed 70+ percent marginal tax rate didn't run off to tax havens.
  7. Did this happen in the 50's, 60's, and 70's when the tax rate was higher than it is now? You seem sure of yourself, so you've obviously read up on it. Link?
  8. This is false. Most rich people today were born rich. Trump himself was making 200k/year when he was 3 years old in a tax scam.
  9. Bruh you flip burgers. You don't seem to have any concept how much 10 million a year is. You won't make 10 million over the course of your entire career. There are people making 200k/year that won't make 10 million over the course of their careers.
  10. We've already had a 70% marginal tax rate. It persisted for decades during one of our greatest economic booms and lasted until Reagan sold trickle-down economics to some very gullible baby boomers. Right now we're having soaring deficit problems because Trump cut taxes for billionaires (only temporary for the middle class). We can blame part of that on military spending, but we're actually borrowing money out of thin fucking air to pay for these tax cuts. That's the great GOP myth. We can't afford healthcare. We can't afford education. We can't afford infrastructure. We can'
  11. Says the guy fighting the rich man's battles for him. Don't worry, Johnny. You and Ghostz and Ramza will be rich on day. Just wait. Some day, you'll be a millionaire! Bookmark this post.
  12. Millions. They don't have it because either they don't have a job or they're under employed (i.e. flipping burgers). Free markets don't reach 100% of the population. Single payer systems do.
  13. We've come full circle. Ramza doesn't know what a marginal tax rate is. The burger flipper thinks the guy making more than 10 million a year is taxed too much if he had to pay a 70% rate on every dollar after he makes 10 million. This is less than the marginal tax rate in the US under Eisenhower.
  14. You can have your money stored in some off-shore tax haven while living in the US. That's why it's called "off-shore".
  15. Don't have to. It's such an absurdly stupid argument that there's no need. There were 40 million people in America without health care before the ACA was signed into law. It was estimated that 25 million would lose health care if the GOP successfully repealed it.
  16. 30+ years of crazy right-wing propaganda has managed to convince a lot of really dumb Americans that health care is out of our reach. I mean every other country in Western Civilization covers 100% of its population and a cost per capita lower than America. But those are all anomalies.
  17. Lmao where's he going to go? Most places tax more than the US, and the places that don't aren't typically places that rich people want to live.
  18. God damn it, Slow Johnny, you are so fucking stupid. God. Damn it.
  19. Sshh, Slow Johnny. People smarter than you are talking.
  20. If I lost my job, I'd still be covered.
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