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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I want to say Wii U, because I fucking hate that system, but it has Bayonetta 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles X, and I can't think of any Xbone games that match that.
  2. Did this dude just use RT as his source?
  3. Yeah, KH1&2 HD would make sense on Switch. I'm not sure I'd buy them again, but plenty of other Switch owners would. SE is releasing like 9 games for Switch this year, though, so I wouldn't worry about it. It's a safe bet KH1/2 will be on the system at some point.
  4. I'm thinking that they're going to sacrifice functionality to hit that magical $200 price point where everyone and their mother wants to jump on board. Sony did that and absolutely slaughtered November. Imagine if they bundled SMO or BotW with this hand held next November? I could be looking at this all wrong. They know people use it in both TV and HH mode, but maybe they don't use Table Top mode at all? If that's true, then it makes sense if they want to release a HH-only system with joycons attached.
  5. My brother in law lives right down the street from us. Every time I go over there or he comes over here, we bring our switch with us. We do this 2-3 times a week. Smash, son.
  6. Wii U had you tethered to the console. We've been over this. People like their portable systems to be portable, not on a leash.
  7. That isn't relevant. What's relevant is being able to play these types of games without a TV.
  8. Let's ignore the irony of Deeno asking about Smash being fixed while championing MCC.
  9. Said it a year ago: Switch is a different beast than Wii. People who bought a Switch want to play games on the system, not just Nintendo stuff. They don't care that the games are brand-new or several years old because the allure is being able to play console games on the go. It's pretty absurd that we aren't already playing Bioshock 1/2/Infinite, Mass Effect 1/2/3, Dead Space 1/2/3, Dragon Age 1/2, or GTAV on the system. Those games would sell, guaranteed, because the allure of being able to play them anywhere at any time is too good to pass up.
  10. I'm just gonna let Quad Damage handle this if he so chooses.
  11. 5th largest economy in the world. Pays for your welfare. I'd find that pretty hard to argue against, myself. Tell you what, I'll let you have the last word. I think you need it for, you know...insecurity reasons.
  12. 5th largest economy in the world, and subsidizes your shitty red states. I wonder how much they'd save if they didn't have to drag all of your welfare states around? EDIT: Best part about this is I now have you arguing on behalf of white nationalism.
  13. We already have that. California's on our side and it's the world's 5th largest economy. You have Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky. The states on my side subsidize your shithole states: https://www.apnews.com/2f83c72de1bd440d92cdbc0d3b6bc08c Next time, don't volunteer to get dog walked.
  14. Deeno's arguing semantics about how Xbone isn't losing that badly.
  15. We could go back and forth on this, but you like Hitler, so what's the point?
  16. If they're truly going for cheaper, I'm guessing we'll see a Switch with attached joycons, as that removes the need for the two extra batteries for the controllers, and a larger battery. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't touch the bezels as that might increase the price. Personally, I think removing the joycons will lead to a 2DS type of situation. It has its niche, but it's not going to take off like a rocket. Removing the joy cons kills local multiplayer completely. Even if others can connect via bluetooth, you'd still have to hold the system in your hands, which prevents
  17. lmao ok. Macron isn't great, the alternative was just La Penn. France made the right choice.
  18. Your anecdote doesn't mean shit. And you're lying about that teacher's salary: http://www.nea.org/home/2016-2017-average-starting-teacher-salary.html
  19. The rest of the world already has better education and healthcare than we do, Slow Johnny. God you're just so...slow.
  20. It's to my benefit. Education levels would increase across the board due to more funding, including in lower-income areas. I'm basically willing to pay extra to keep all the little Johnnies out there from growing up to be Slow.
  21. Sabo...he's mad because it was a temporary GC exclusive. If it came out on xbox he'd be praising it as the GOAT and making threads about how RE2make comes close but doesn't quite measure up. I haven't played RE2make yet, though I expect it to be leaps and bounds better than any RE since 4.
  22. Lemmings find getting called on their bullshit predictable because it happens all the goddamn time.
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