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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/tv/turmoil-inside-komo-news-as-conservative-owner-sinclair-mandates-talking-points/ I'll watch it with the context it deserves. It's Sinclair. Here, let me help you understand what Sinclair is:
  2. You're mad at Zuck for cucking you off of Facebook. We forgive you!
  3. Video starts out with the line "What if Seattle is dying and we don't even know it?" If you have to build your conclusion into your opening question, you're full of shit. Seattle frequently makes it onto lists of the best places to live in the US constantly. Here's the real reason Deeno wants to believe this: 1. Deeno's racist. 2. Deeno hates people who aren't racist. 3. Deeno frequently creates alternate realities to keep himself from feeling humiliation. He's a prime suspect to believe some Sinclair propaganda.
  4. No. White nationalists aren't going to give up on the biggest platform in the world. They're just going to invent new dog whistles. This policy is meant to curb the rise in overt racism that started in 2016 for some strange reason.
  5. Yup. I can't say if it's the exact scene shot-for-shot, but they definitely only filmed that shit once and cut it into two scenes.
  6. Visa Card is fine; they accept that and Master Card most places I was at, and everywhere in Reykjavik. I don't remember using cash much, now that I think about it. All card.
  7. If i had known this thread still had juice in it, I'd have held off a bit longer on the Deeno's Family Getting Banned From Facebook Thread.
  8. Just look at the sheer number of incels that can't see the tongue-in-cheek nature of the thread.
  9. There's a bill in the Texas legislature to reduce having an ounce of marijuana on you from a misdemeanor to a civil infraction. Damn's gonna burst some time in the next 5 years, just like it did with gay marriage.
  10. Of course it has value, Deeno. Why do you think you got made fun of so much when that value went 3rd party?
  11. How does it feel to have your "heritage" whittled away by the Zuck, Deeno? Does it hurt?
  12. 'Member when he tried to shame you for spending all day here whie having 2-3x the posts in 1/8th the time? EDIT: Oh shit, he had 4x the posts.
  13. Sometimes i regret giving Johnny the surname "Slow". Over time, there seem to be more and more contenders for the title.
  14. Deeno doesn't play games. He plays compute capability and rendering performance.
  15. Facebook is stealling virtual land away from you right now. U mad, bro?
  16. Dude has a white polo, slacks, and a tiki torch for sure.
  17. The irony of this statement is delicious.
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