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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. You're in a thread about attempted assassinations by radical right-wing terrorist(s) of left-leaning political figures as well as news organizations. You are one stupid motherfucker, Slow Johnny.
  2. I say "WOOSH", you imply you're trolling to get out of it. But you're not really trolling. You're just using trolling as an excuse to let out the real fee-fees that are bottled up inside.
  3. We should keep Russian immigrants from migrating over here until we figure out what's going on.
  4. You believe that the Democrats built real bombs and sent them to their own ex-leaders as well as to multiple news organizations?
  5. The only issue i have with it is that your character progress kind of stalls when you do all the Chapter 1 stories first because once you've unlocked most of the abilities, there's nothing more to unlock. But when you start getting sub-jobs, then it's a whole new world, motherfucker.
  6. As an FYI, the game really opens up when you're on the way to the Chapter 2 stories. That's when you start getting sub-jobs.
  7. "I don't pay attention and that gives me cover to low-key support right-wing terrorism."
  8. Do you paint your face black for this costume? Do you know the history of blackface? Then no excuses. Also, brb, there's sort of a huge right-wing wave of assassination attempts going on at the moment, so I don't really want to debate the merits of "but why can't i blackface tho?!!?!?" with you.
  9. You're right. The other branch that can hold the executive branch in check is the congress and they're doing a good job keeping him in che...oh wait.
  10. It's worse than that. It's spreading to other right-wing politicians as well: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/412826-cruz-jokes-about-locking-up-beto-orourke-in-double-occupancy-cell-with It's going to become a thing at all right-wing rallies i the near future.
  11. Trump calls the press the enemy of the people and leads his rallies with chants of "Lock her/him up!" Look at the targets, and it's not difficult to put two and two together. We're already at facism light. If the Democrats don't win in November, we'll go full facism and at that point we're basically fucked.
  12. Considering you know the history of blackface, yes, it's racist. Because you know better. That's racism from ignorance. "But why can't i say the n-word, too?!" - The Post.
  13. The problem with this is the lack of spine of Democratic leadership. They should pin this event on Trump's rally rhetoric, because that's where this all stems from. You can't hold rally after rally calling the press the enemy of the people and lead crowds in chants of "Lock her up!" and then expect nothing will happen. The two minutes of hate are real.
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