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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. That doesm't explain why your sucking MS dick. Steve Jobs must be rolling in his grave. Reject Microsoft.
  2. So how does an Apple worshipper end up becoming a Microsoft cocksucker I'm curious. We should be teaming up to free PC gaming from the shackles of Microsoft.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJs9p-VNORw Always reminds me of this. They have photos of nice looking burgers and you get some sloppy shit. Most brand name fast food resturants are I rarely eat takeaways but if I did I'd rather use a local place, they really do offer the huge thick burgers. Mcdonalds sucks, burger king sucks, subway is , I think KFC is the only one I like.
  4. From homophobia to transohobia. Is it time this forum stopped pretending to be leftwing and just went back to being free speech? Or are you afraid you're going to get kicked from hosting
  5. Lol ghostz begging for an argument and fishing for someone to play with him I don't hate Apple, not like I do Microsoft and Facebook. My problems with the iphone where that it was a locked down pos where Apple limited other Apps to give advantages to their own software. The hardware itself was nice. If the EU can force Apple to open up there phones would be much better. I've never used a Mac but I would take one over a windows pile of shit anyday. I just don't care about paying £1000+ for an ultra thin trendy laptop or a monitor with a chip inside...I have no need of t
  6. Microsoft software is shit? Imagine my shock.
  7. Yeah they could take the hit easy thanks to the money from their abusive monopoly and underhanded shady advertising business. Really it's about the backlash. Pulling CoD off playstation would be extremely negative for them. Hell look at the backlash when they did it with Tomb Raider, and it flopped. The difference with Starfield is starfield wasn't a PS game. The real question is whether Fallout 5 and Elder Scrolls 6 will be exclusive.
  8. Are you fucking kidding? Xbox was effectively abandoned by 2017. What wete you playing? Crapdown 3? 5tate or decay? Grounded? Microsoft gave up and that was obvious to everyone.
  9. Imagine the reaction if they made some kf those today. The retards were given too much power.
  10. Since it's acceptable to make fun of faggots now lets talk abour Ghostz obsession with Apple. Literally led by a limp wristed dick sucker with LGBTBBQ+++℅$ ads plastered all over the store practically every single day Come out of the closet Ghostz, there's a reason Crapple is perfect for you.
  11. Even as a Cow I never liked their games. Naughty Dog should movw to CGI movies, they suck at gameplay but clearly are talented animators.
  12. ***WARNING WARNING*** HOMOPHOBIA DETECTED Can we send Ghostz bigotry to his purgatory thread?
  13. Are you trying to convince me your blowjobs are that good? Because I believe you I bet you have plenty of experience under your belt but I'm just not that way inclinded Ghostz. P.s don't use "gay boy" as a derogatory term you bigot lest you face the ban hammer.
  14. I wonder how long Ghostz and Jerry would spam at each other if we left one thread running like this.
  15. I'll have to get this just to support them for xcluding the shit consoles.
  16. Soon thwy will have their fluffers like Ghostz offering free bjs with gamepass
  17. It's not like they can afford to be picky, xflop needs all the games it can get right now
  18. Don't listen to Ghostz he's a retarded troll. He will tell you all ps games are shit and then have you play some 6.0 filler on LamePass.
  19. Microsoft hasn't put out anything noteworthy in their 20 year console history ither than Halo and Gears, and that's going back to 2001 and 2006. The past decaxe they have failed every single time to show they can creatw good games, manage good talent, or even know what a good game is. They have proven beyond doubt that the leadership there doesn't have a clue about videogame development. So after years of duds like Ryse, crackdown, state of decay, bleeding edge, sea of thieves, and other such piles of shit they decided they're just going to use their monopoly money to b
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