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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Microsoft gets away with it though becausw it's not like xbox players have anything else to play or look forward to
  2. Look how bitter the lemchildren are They haven't had a real game in so long and hype up any 6.0 flop but they want to sit here and act like connoisseurs of gaming. GTFO non-gamers. Go back to your gamepass sub 6 shovelware
  3. Bottles of nail polish Xflop is truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. It doesnt even fit the usual xbox audience so I can only assume this is MS being woke again and it's aimed at troons Just fucking kill yourselves lemmings your console and its games suck so bad systemwars has never witnesses such an abomonation.
  4. Slow Jonny gets mad that Xbox is a failure but lashes out at everyone else. Why not reservw that anger for Microsoft for killing the console in the first ppace?
  5. Yeah Horizon just anothwr open world game not worth sticking with from the guy who stuck with State of decay 2, crackdown 3, bleeding edge, and about 50 other trash flops
  6. Clowning Lemmings: :D son you were running damage control for xbox whwn that happened. We all remember "MS familia" Gtfo with your revisionist bullshit.
  7. You've been begging for Bloodborne for years and its funny looking at your posts most games you seem to be excited for, is playing PlayStation games on PC long after they've been released on PS. Lets be honest you're trying to "own" the cows but its backfiring because you say nothing about xflop games that have been on PC day 1 for years now. Or maybe im reading this the wrong way. Maybe nobody cares when xflop games are on PC because all those games are worthless junk anyway Honey i shrink the kids game, the fighting game with the sjw cast and fat dyke , state of deca
  8. This Clown wants to paint himself as King Hermit but all he does is beg Sony to give him PlayStation ports a year or 5 later Fuck Bloodborne is going on 7 and he's still begging and praying.
  9. Another AAA exclusive for PS
  10. That's definitely their strategy, and I'll continue to ignore Microsoft products and services on all my personal devices. I don't care about any of their games anyway but I'd go without before caving in. Microsoft is truly evil and really they need to be wiped out even more than Facebook.
  11. This will likely become a popular tactic too for Gamepass. Drag out releases to keep the schmuks like Malatard paying month after month.
  12. Over 20 million people have played it....I mean it is free to play, I wonder how many would have tried it if it was full price.
  13. It's more like.. "Daddy Nutella they won't buy my console and the meanies make fun and say it has no games Pweeeeasse buy me a publisher so I can hold their games tio ransom."
  14. I dont know, I dont really check. I jist imagine that like anything, during development one gets priority. FSR is open source though so you can use it with basically any game not just officially supported games. To me that's worth the tradeoff.
  15. Does that not depend per game and oj th devs implementation? I'd still take FSR anyday.
  16. TLHBO

    Uh oh pt. 2

    That place is toxic and will brainwash you, either from the social justice bullshit or the rampant shilling and astroturfing.
  17. Say to her "at least I can get one you ugly fucking bitch". Show her your alpha side. Chicks dig that.
  18. TLHBO

    Uh oh pt. 2

    And to nobodys surprise, lemijs "I know someone who knows someone" turns out to mean "I lurk a toxic shill infested political forum that masquerades as a videogame forum".
  19. Remember back in the days when lemmings uzed to defend Forza at 30fps and told us the human eye couldn't tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps? Yes Lemz I am classifying you as a Lemming.
  20. I don't know why we're meant to celebrate these. They hold online gaming to ransom behind a paywall and now Ms/Ninty/Sony all want to talk about subscriber numbers. Yeah no shit people paid. You give them half a console if they don't
  21. You know 343 and xbox division/phil spencer are all the same. To date none have created an interesting product, theres no talent in sight, none of them seem to understand what makes a good and interesting videogake but theg're kept entirely afloat by Daddy Microsoft's deep pockets. Phil Spencer really has it made. Xbox under him has been the worst, least interesting brand in the videogame industry and the consoles were tanking at retail but all he has to do is ask Daddy Nutella to buy him some publishers to help keep his brand relevant. I'm betting there are a number of
  22. By that logic you should probably shut up about videogames entirely considering how badly your pick (xbox) failed.
  23. TLHBO

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Lemshits still cream themselves over the thought of a PS game ported to PC despite telling us for 5+ years now that's not an issue when xbox games end up on pc day 1.
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