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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. I can’t remember his name but he was some black kid from Canada. Ps2_owns I think was his name? He always used to post chics with massive cellulite filled man asses. Jonb would always insult him for his nasty obsession. They were pretty gross. It gets to a point where it just gets nasty
  2. Nasty as fuck. Eating out some sweaty hot gym ass and after taking a workout protein shake deuce theres nikkas who get off on that shit. Probably enjoy they wives shitting on their chest too
  3. Just as long as there isn’t a chapter where I have to talk to 20 different people in a room with 3 min unskipable cutscenes like the first one I’ll def give it a shot
  4. Making a sequel to this seems tone deaf. The first one had charm because it was a game so bad it was good. It’s not an experience you can replicate with a sequel with out it feeling forced or fake. Without that charm it has nothing to stand on because the first one in terms of mechanics was absolutely atrocious and a janky hot mess.
  5. Shame. The one on ps2 was good but from what I understand it’s not even a strategy rpg anymore and is an action adventure game now. Idk wtf they were thinking
  6. https://store.steampowered.com/app/921570/OCTOPATH_TRAVELER/
  7. Come to think of it I honestly didn’t play very many jrpgs this gen from what I can recall. And the only ones I liked were ff14,ff15, Persona 5 and bloodborne. but anyway I disagree. While there’s a lot of jrpgs like that, I would say there’s not one that feels as restrictive as vii feels like so far. The closest thing I can think of is xiii. Let’s take Persona 5 for example which also just came out (well the re release). It’s a very story heavy game, and that’s totally fine with me. The only thing that I ask is also give me a good chunk of gameplay as well. Which is what P3-P5 do
  8. Man I have to say you guys have some serious patience for this game. I like the game once it gets going but I just wish it would let me actually play the Game for longer than a few mins at a time. I’m up to chapter 15 I think and this is my experience cut scene cut scene cut scene walk forward, fight 2 battles cut scene walk forward and slide through walls slow walking and dialogue cut scene fight 2 battles cut scene cutscene I haven’t played an FF like this since XIII and even then it still felt dated at the tim
  9. I remember when Druckman made uncharted 2. Now he’s just a pandering fuckboi
  10. Neil Fuckman is a complete hack. edit: nvm, see bhytre posted it already.
  11. The final form of xeanhort with Sora and Riku pissed me the fuck off because I kept screwing up. I would get through all the forms which is like a dang half hour and kept dying when you have to press like square and circle to attack with both on the final form. My dumbass kept dying because I thought it meant alternatively so I would die in secs not knowing wtf I’m doing wrong until after 20 times I realized I have to press them at the sane time. Back then YouTube wasn’t all that popular yet so I had to look up some gamefaqs guide to figure it out. Man I felt like an idiot
  12. I felt like Sony has dropped the ball in recent years and the last of us 2 has been testament to that. I don’t like the direction they seem to be going in and it seems now with tlou2 they’re interested in trying to 1up every developer in terms of virtue signaling and showing how “woke” they are rather than delivering a High quality product first and foremost. Tlou 2 is being universally panned even by swj crowd for being too extreme in its message which detracts from the overall experience. If this is what I can expect from Sony going forward I’m getting off the ps5 hype train now.
  13. it also came out 14 years ago so it was a lot better for its time which by today feels a lot more dated But After 3 this series has run out of gas. I don’t give a shit anymore about any kh.
  14. I’m sure this game will be exactly what the fat Sjw slobs with man tits at gamespot have been looking forward to and more But Real Gamers have already read the leaks and have overwhelmingly concluded across the internet this is another resetera- targeted turd to add to the shit heap
  15. when even resetera think you went too far....Jesus fuck you know you fucked up
  16. i think my penis shrank just reading these spoilers. I can’t think of a game more catered to resetera cucks than this. Bleeding Vag was bad, this is worse.
  17. With ghost of Tsushima moving over to ps5, This was suppose to be ps4s swan song, leading the charge into ps5 and hitting the ground running. The result is basically the equivalent of a wet fart and there’s literally nothing else left besides inferior multiplats and the annual call of duty left. It’s pretty much officially a wrap for the PS4 at this point.
  18. I hope this game tanks and Neil druckmans career is over after this
  19. And The Last Jedi/ Rise of skywalker. #fuckNielDruckman #BringBackAmyHenning
  20. It’s entirely manipulative to try and garner fake sympathy. It clearly has no respect for its audience. Just like showing a dog or a baby to make people go “awwww” for easy emotions. It’s complete shit writing.
  21. This game already flopped to any real gamer that isn’t some SJW clown. It should be boycotted for being complete LGBTQ propaganda shite
  22. I just read the spoilers and the ending WTF IS THIS EMO TRASH Real gamer score: 5 trash cans out of 5
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