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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. 10 million dollars and if you weren't told what it was you'd never know. Lol
  2. You're reading it first on twitter. Whether he publishes in a journal is up to him. All the sources are provided in the timeline.
  3. Also i fucking hate how they drape those kids in the pride religious regalia. Fucking stop that shit. It all behaves like religion now and it's really disturbing. Let them grow up and decide for themselves.
  4. While an absolutely disgusting story, I bet theres quite a few more straight adoptive fathers that have raped their adoptive daughters.
  5. Switch is 1tflop Xbox is 1.31 Switch has more memory and it's ddr4 instead of ddr3 Switch is about 30% weaker than the base Xbox one. But to say it's weaker than the 360? Come on...
  6. No.. they do. They need to get off their fat fucking asses and make themselves feel better rather than using Adele's body as a comfort pillow.
  7. Switch is barely weaker than Xbox one. If you think it's succesor is going to be weaker than Xbox one then you really must be sugar high.
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/adele-reveals-backlash-weight-loss-says-some-fans-felt-betrayed-1721442 They felt "betrayed" lmao
  9. Remember when all the fatsos were shaming Adele for losing weight? Lol do you think that hate was coming from the left or the right?
  10. @-GD-Xi need your love 💞
  11. Only gay people will be allowed to program and design gay characters. Stay in your lane!!
  12. Data Doesn’t Support New COVID-19 Booster Shots for Most, Says Vaccine Expert
  13. The whole Nazi thing is tiresome. It's been beaten to death. And we are not allowed to have China as the enemy in shows anymore cause China gets offended at everything. So Nazis it is!
  14. Interesting. And this doesn't even include those under 18 where vaccination levels are much lower.
  15. Millions of what kind of people? Healthy young people? Did you know that less than 5% of all covid deaths are for people under 45? And nearly 99% of those people that died under 45 had several comorbidities or they died "with" covid and not "from" covid.
  16. It does not benefit you if you were never going to go to the hospital regardless of vaccination status which is the absolute majority of people. I know that's a hard concept.
  17. It benefits those who need it. It is not for everyone. It's not for healthy younger people. It does nothing to prevent infection and transmission. But our governments did a fucking terrible job at telling people OTHER ways on top of the vaccine to help their chances with covid. They put all the eggs in one basket. Just vaccine. That's it. The vaccine will end the pandemic if 70% no 75 no 80 no wait 85 no 90 no 95% of people get vaccinated. Lmao. What fucking bullshit. But hey, it was absolutely fantastic for Pfizer and Modernas bottom line to have that kind of support. What did they make? 150
  18. And most wouldn't have died if they hadn't been fat unhealthy slobs. The average COVID death has 4 comorbidities
  19. Sorry i shouldn't have used a walnut to represent the harms gas stoves do to children .
  20. A lot has changed since 2012. As Remy mentioned Michelle Obama was trying to get kids to excersize. In 2023 that is considered a fat phobic thing to say and obesity is just a medical condition that should be treated with drugs and medication . But also, it's healthy at any size.
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