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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Yeah sorry GOW3 doesn't look better than Zelda TOTK 🤣
  2. Most of this stuff so far is low budget 3rd party shit. Not high end 1st party big budget games.
  3. Lol rose colored glasses are great aren't they?
  4. Advance Wars releasing today would be a nice surprise.
  5. Cooke


    I'm assuming you don't understand the future and how AI will be a massive part of it. Your small mind just leaked out of your ear.
  6. Cooke


    A woke AI will kill us all. you are obviously missing the point. no I don't want the AI to be racist, but I want it to be reasonable in a life or death situation. I don't really want Skynet.. do you?
  7. Cooke


    It's not a complicated question.
  8. Cooke


    If it came down to it would you want AI to save the world or not say the N word? Lol
  9. Surprise Christmas launch for switch 2 would be amazing. They just better not call it a SwitchU or some other nonsensical name that confuses people as to whether it's a successor or an upgraded model. And they don't need a new formula. Just a more powerful modern Switch and it will sell millions.
  10. I hope they open with Zelda, then show Metroid trilogy remaster for the summer and then MP4 for Christmas.
  11. That's all fine and good. But to shutdown all dissenting views which many ended up be right was not a scientific thing to do. That was political and it became a team sport.
  12. Are you unable to read or do any investigating yourself? Must you be spoonfed like a little child?
  13. I would prefer them to just be honest and leave it at that. Don't lie to appease a group.
  14. Watched the first episode of Last of Us.. didn't find it any better than the first episode of Walking Dead. I think it's been overhyped and my expectations were too high. Watched 2 episodes of House of the Dragon and found it more entertaining.
  15. I had friends over last night. We played 4 player, it's really hard to play in 2023. They really should have made an option for a modern control scheme.
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