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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. It makes fucking sense Cocke would worship a dude whose brain was fucking eaten. That explains everything. RFK Jr. claims doctor said parasite 'ate' part of his brain - ABC News (go.com) Here, @Cooke let me use low brow citation you might actually read,
  2. You have more brainworms than RFK. Did you even watch the video the tweet you linked mischaracterized? Pulled due to a lowered curve, very effective, and has benefits that outweigh the cons. The second vaccine was pulled because it wasn't made for the latest strain. Jesus Christ your own video refutes the dumbfuck tweet. The second youtube video you just linked had a disclaimer link refuting it lol. Without vaccination the U.S. would have experienced 1.5 times more infections, 3.8 times more hospitalizations, and 4.1 times more deaths. You wannabe supervillain fucks los
  3. Jesus this thread reads like some weirdo fucking cultist nest. A random tweet with anecdotal evidence is surely enough to beat the scientific consensus via peer reviewed studies. Yes it had some side effects, but the benefits exponentially outweighed these going by every study. Just like many other vaccines. The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine in the prevention of post-COVID conditions: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of the latest research - PMC (nih.gov) Analysis: COVID Vaccine Strongly Effective in Young People (pennmedicine.org) Vaccination Dramati
  4. Sony fucked up PC players don't want to have to make an account for a vastly inferior system and online-platform.
  5. Yawn copy revenge thread. Jerry you are so pathetic to pretend to be a girl now.
  6. Trump Is Apparently Having Trouble Pronouncing 4-Syllable Words (yahoo.com) ROFL
  7. Who is Timothy Mellon, wealthy donor giving to both Trump and RFK Jr. (usatoday.com) Maybe it will backfire, maybe it won't. But the original and current intention is clear. He's being funded as a spoiler candidate.
  8. It's not even needed on PC, all the mission and items are already available for download. It just screws up old mods and gives new problems. All it gives is a native UW mode which sucks compared to UW mods. Pointless trash.
  9. True. US has a political party that pushes policies that only make this problem worse. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4692249/
  10. TBF you picked a bad example, you can make "hotgirl" in D4 also,
  11. tbh Blizzard has been shit for a while and have cancelled it before too.
  12. yeah Goggins was a fucking force in this show.
  13. Trump literally was found liable for rape. And fraud. He's currently as we speak in criminal court for paying off a porn star he fucked while his wife was pregnant and then lying about it on taxes. And falling asleep during it lol. Jesus fuck. You're posting some of the most lukewarm nothingburger things I have ever seen in comparison. Oh no, he had to be told the door was behind him.....what? So? This is Obama tan suit level. The far right is so bonkers.
  14. Well that shit I listed speaks to his personality. He generally pretty nasty. The way he talks rudely about people, constant silly lies, how he scams people, constant fraud, how he treats women, etc. It's a funny act for entertainment but IRL no one wants to deal with that kind of personality. Like imagine a co-worker like this lol.
  15. He fired her for getting caught. Most polling suggests he will take more from Biden, while having 0 chance to win any way. This is a 100% spoiler candidate.
  16. Huh? Witness intimidation, rape, falling asleep, and constant fraud? Witness intimidation? Meme stocks and selling NFTs? Most people dislike his personality. His gaffs have been exponentially worse than Biden's lately. Like the video this thread is based off of is an absolute nothing burger in comparison.
  17. No amount of bot like far right twitter spam is really going to change the fact he's a spoiler candidate. This has already been leaked. RFK Jr.'s campaign goal is to get 'rid' of Biden and elect Trump, consultant says in leaked video (nypost.com)
  18. Even if it were true, which it's not, it doesn't excuse absolute and total legislative dysfunction. They are barely helping the American people. We have never seen this for decades, for any party. U.S. Congress Had Its Least Productive Year in Modern History (people.com) 118th Congress to be most unproductive in modern history (axios.com) Even with varying ideas the House leader should be able to whip up some votes and agreements to actually get policy through. This is not how it's supposed to be done even with "less group think". That's a garbage political party t
  19. lol even 60 fps is kinda meh/mid these days. And they are barely even aiming for that? LMAO! Well at least its not as horrific as 30 fps in all these PS5 vanilla games.
  20. I don't get it. Am I not supposed to use peer reviewed studies showing the two of you were objectively wrong? Are you're so fucking bad at debating that a proper rebuttal looks like a "bot" reply?
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