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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm down for it because it would mean a PC version of the first game. But that's kind of the reason why I'm skeptical. They claimed that this would be a PC/PS5/XSX game. I mean, if you're going to make it and it's running on the RDR2 engine... why would you leave out the biggest market with the PS4/XO?? I think Rockstar also has a rumored Bully sequel in the works, don't they? It's just as likely to be something like that or whatever. Hell, they could spruce up GTA5 a bit more and release that on PS5/XSX and be tied over until GTA6 launches lol.
  2. @Alphonse You should probably lock this thread, since none of this is up for debate and there's nothing else to say.
  3. I doubt it. Would be cool though.
  4. 8bitdo have good controllers. The SNES ones with analog sticks are great for emulators or any games with a lot of d-pad input. There's tons of good controllers out there, and at this point I have a controller for basically every system to emulate out there. Once you start getting to Gamecube/Wii/WiiU/Switch emulation, it's easy in that you can just use the actual controllers. Xbox One or 360 controllers also work great because most emulators have built in Xinput support so you just map it and you're done.
  5. For the amount of units they will have allocated for launch, there's absolutely NO WORRY whatsoever about them not selling out at launch.. $500, $600... those initial consoles will sell.
  6. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/ps5/ This shits be getting delayed.
  7. So I've been looking around and man... there's NOTHING in stock anywhere right now. There's plenty of Ryzen CPUs, but x570 motherboards are all out of stock or MASSIVELY overpriced.
  8. And will be free to keep forever if claimed in the first 24h @Teh_Diplomat
  9. Suicidal Yes... of course they were going to postpone it.... they announced the damn thing when this bullshit started.... The PURPOSEFULLY announced it so they could seem like a great guy for postponing it. Which is what my point is and why I'm disappointed. Who's acting like it's normal? Again, Hong Kong protests happened... which were far and above the "normal", and SONY DID FUCK ALL. Again, just proof that they are worried about themselves and virtue signalling so they look good. They are taking advantage of this tragedy in every single way. And i
  10. No shit..... They're virtue signaling... and we know the only reason why they aren't going through with it is because they don't want their news drowned out...... but what Sony is literally saying is... "we don't want to announce now and celebrate and take away from the news that's happening in the world right now" That's the opposite. Are they going to delay the PS5 in November because the elections could turn into a complete clusterfuck and there being more protesting and rioting if Donald Trump is reelected? Dude, there's ALWAYS more important things happening in
  11. There's always more important things going on in the world than games. Plain and simple they are virtue signaling imo. This shit was already going on when they announced the fucking date in the first place... They are certainly taking advantage, and people are eating it up. So proud Sony w/e though
  12. Thankfully we still have SEGA's mega announcement
  13. I wonder, since now's not the time, if they'll delay TLOU2
  14. I knew this was going to happen. I know it's selfish.. but it's not like it's going to be better next month... Also Gouko...
  15. I'm sure. Same principle applies though. If you get a lot of people talking about a game that's on gamepass (or that people played for free and then talk about) it's positive word of mouth and exposes more people to the idea of purchasing the game. So people who don't want anything to do with gamepass still hear the word of mouth.
  16. No, this can't be true. Because when Phil Spencer said it with Gamepass... it was a lie.
  17. Yea, cause it's really not going to get locked here either
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