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Everything posted by Ike

  1. I'm probably going there in a couple of years when Nintendo World opens at Universal Studios in Tokyo.
  2. Import DoAX3 Scarlet There's also Disgea 1 Complete which is a port but portable SRPGs own.
  3. He also wrote the screenplay to one of the best vampire movies ever in From Dusk till Dawn.
  4. June 28th is the official release date.
  5. Maybe you'll get the remastered edition for PS5/XB2 in 2021.
  6. I’ve heard tinder there is a slam dunk if you’re foreign. Get some nice Japanese pussy bro.
  7. Looks like you can have multiple worlds in one stage. God this game is going to own.
  8. I think his next joint Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has a shot of being in the top 3. Everything about it looks incredible.
  9. Still though, hearing Cap finally say those two words, “Avengers assemble.”, was just incredible. Along with when Mjolnir came flying to him was amazing and I definitely squealed during both.
  10. It’s on iTunes and I’ve had it on repeat most of today. I like Light of the Seven just a bit more but damn if he’s not one talented ass composer.
  11. Movie looks in the realm of so bad it has a shot of being good. I’ll see it eventually stoned af and probably enjoy it.
  12. One of my favorite moments was the Dothraki getting fucking annihilated after that hype moment where all their swords get lit. That sense of oh shit this is bad was just great. The atmosphere over the whole thing was fantastic and really caught the sense of dread that the dead and the WW should have. I’m surprised more characters didn’t die either. Hardhome was better.
  13. Translation, “Blyat. Comrade. Keto diet.”
  14. I generally really enjoy them. Spider-Man and Detroit were two of my favorite games from last year.
  15. Great movie but I still like Infinity War better.
  16. Yeah that dungeon owns. They all do really. You can probably just emulate the GCN version if you have a decent PC.
  17. Rainier Beer is the best “cheap” beer around
  18. Absolutely worth playing. First three hours or so are a bit of a drag but once you get past the first dungeon it opens up. It features probably the best boss battles in the franchise. Wii U version is the best version.
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