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Hot Sauce

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Everything posted by Hot Sauce

  1. Netflix doesn't suck, they've just taken a quantity over quality approach to their original content to keep people subscribed as studios start launching their own services. Mediocre also doesn't mean bad, especially when Netflix's approach means a much higher number of movies/shows in various genres/settings that you might really enjoy and see pop up much less often elsewhere. Altered Carbon wasn't great, but as somebody with both Blade Runner movies in my top 10 it was really nice to get more well produced cyberpunk. HBO has better original content, IMO, but there's far less of it
  2. Because it's MS' biggest game of the year and a game that makes such great use of style. They even already had a great looking, racing inspired console for this year's Game4Paul charity event. That thing is sexy as fuck. Can't just use that because it would fuck with the whole raffle aspect behind it, but swap the colour from blue to a rustic red and the tire tread to the blowing leaves thing the boxart has going on and god damn that'd be a sexy console.
  3. Yeah, we know. That's the point; it should be.
  4. Seriously, how do they not throw in a unique console? Or even a unique controller? They have the design lab ffs.
  5. It could have one good game every two years and you'd still act like it's God's gift to gaming.
  6. If it can have a new game every week like Netflix has new shows/movies, sure. Take enough swings and you're bound to get a hit.
  7. They have some great TV shows, but a far larger number of mediocre ones. Their movies are almost universally terrible.
  8. They really are trying to be the Netflix of the gaming world.
  9. Idk, kinda seems like it's the single player content with side missions and shit rather than 60 hours of mandatory campaign missions to see the credits.
  10. I'd guess Gearbox. Certain Affinity has the history, but why would anybody tease that? They're a support studio that hasn't made a game in 7 years with some shitty F2P phone game publisher funding their next game.
  11. lmao you don't even need to view it, just getting the message freezes the console. Yikes.
  12. Eh? I prefer it here because Alphonse and Cooke actually do admin shit.
  13. I've played every Souls game on consoles and I'm pretty sure no Gold/PS+ meant offline mode. Quick Google search seems to back that up.
  14. The question wasn't, "If you had to have gay sex, would you rather be top or bottom?" Nobody here is insecure enough about their sexuality that when asked to consider a theoretical situation about being gay their response is going to be, "Bottom for sure. Letting a dude fuck me in the ass and cum in and/or on me is way less gay than having to be hard for it." That subversion of expectation is where the humor comes from.
  15. Yeah, but if you don't have an erection during sex you're probably not enjoying yourself so it's a bit weird to cite that as a positive.
  16. 1. The Queen of Canada and the Queen of England are two different positions without any inherent subservience. Canada has its own separate monarchy. 2. It's entirely irrelevant because the power is with the PM and the office of the Queen of Canada is bound by convention to put the royal seal at the bidding of the PM. Canada is not, via any technicality, a British colony. I'm sorry that you're wrong.
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