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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Plan to pick up some PS4 exclusives I missed when I get a PS5
  2. Hitman 3 - Mission impossible Ghost protocol.
  3. "Online misinformation about the US election fell 73% after Trump's social media ban" "According to findings by Zignal Labs, conversations about election fraud fell from 2.5 million mentions to 688,000 across several social media sites. The research house looked at conversations that spanned fraud, hacked machines, tampered ballots, and other conspiracies."
  4. Who here has made the argument to abolish law enforcement? Who said the defund the police movement is to abolish law enforcement? Why are you always arguing against points that were never made?
  5. Up to a 20 year sentence in Federal prison for these goons
  6. Yes but they were trying to be slick by calling him non-American because of his ethnicity... which in itself is racist.
  7. So Parlor did reject you just like I said... imagine being such a loser that fucking Parlor rejected your ass
  8. Switch has those original games in spades too. Switch has more 3rd party exclusives and original 3rd party games than Vita and PSP combined. More 3rd party support in general than both those systems combined too.
  9. @Twinblade Here is Bethesda themselves addressing their games performance on Switch. “It was hugely popular – all of the stuff that we did. I think folks enjoyed and appreciated – and we wanted to make sure to say right up front that this is a title we want to bring to Switch, and we think it’s gonna be another awesome experience,” Hines said while speaking with IGN at Gamescom. and here they are addressing releasing content complete ganes on Switch. "Now in the case of Switch, okay we’ve gotta do a little work to make sure it runs right and gi
  10. Your first paragraph makes no sense. PSP and Vita died mainly because of lack of first party support outside of a few games. The PSP and Vita versions of console 3rd party games either were completely different versions or it cut out so much content and or geometry it may have well been a different game. Switch is the the first portable to provide content complete console games on the go. (Well 2nd if you count the nomad). Obviously some games won't make sense on Switch, but a well done content complete port makes sense for Switch. As to why people p
  11. Same reason anyone played portable versions of games since the beginning of time.
  12. Just remembered I had a bet with DynamiteCop on this. Told him that it would run better than the previous ID tech ports because the Switch was factored in from the start of the development of the game. He claimed the Switch version wouldn't run on ID tech 7 and that it would perform worse than the previous games. He was wrong on both fronts
  13. As he explained in the video to have a late gen game on a brand new advanced engine (ID tech 7) running with a stable framerate on portable hardware with the same complex geometry as PC/PS4 and its content complete... is simply a marvel.
  14. It's hilarious watching Cooke trying to be clever when he is as dumb as a bag of nails.
  15. They actually think they "deserve a pardon" Jenna Ryan, a Texas real estate broker who took a private jet to Washington to join the attack on the US Capitol, has pleaded with Donald Trump to pardon her after she was arrested by federal authorities. After surrendering to the FBI on Friday, Ryan said: “We all deserve a pardon.” “I’m facing a prison sentence,” she told CBS11 at her home. “I think I do not deserve that." Ryan said she had been “displaying my patriotism”, adding: “I listen to my president who told me to go to the Capitol.”
  16. Indie games and old ports... That's PC gaming in a nutshell....praying and hoping for ports months and sometimes years laster
  17. This is what you're wasting your 56K dial up internet to do? I can tell you're mad Parlor didn't accept your Belgium ID, lmfao fucking Parlor reject 😂🤣
  18. Yes he was impeached because that insurrection was a good job alright 😂🤣
  19. You MAGA clowns are the biggest snowflakes on the planet. Hope they enjoy jail time
  20. Hang Mike Pence!!! Mitch was bought out by China!!! 😢 Barr is in the deep state!!! 😭 Lindsey Graham is a Traitor!!! 😿 MAGA clowns eating themselves alive glorious
  21. Kolin Capernick got crucified for kneeling during the national anthem, but people who actually participated in an insurrection are supposed to be treated as if nothing happened....lol
  22. What's more anti American than an insurrection and trying to undermine the integrity of our democracy?
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