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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. muuuuuhahahahhhaaa you activated my trap card!!!! .... ensnared you have I....
  2. There is a way to dictate a pause in a sentence, but you're a genius so you should already know that.
  3. achieve a primary goal, the delivery of one AAA game per quarter But why would MS do this when DynamiteCop and Slow Johnny spent the last few years telling us AAA first party exclusives don't matter?
  4. Yes... EA one company who had a down year saw 47% Digital sales WW..... what does that to do with the UK having 75% physical sales avg for ALL PUBLISHERS again? I wonder if DynamiteCop thinks that means that every publisher's digital vs physical ratio is going to be exactly the same? Wait just realized you posted an article from Nov 2017 about certain games only .... my article for the UK 75% physical was from 2019 for ALL games in the UK
  5. I also see sheep killa ran away from his "once she is pregnant it's not her body" argument
  6. You haven't answered my questions about it stop being her Body at pregnancy. But to answer you very WEAK question. You would be charged for Assaulting HER BODY. As well as murder of HER BABY. Game, set... match
  7. When you punch her it stops being her Body?
  8. So it stops being her body after she gets pregnant
  9. As a man you're also responsible for impregnation as is her... don't leave that out.
  10. So you also think a pregnancy has no effect on a woman's baby and she should have no say in her body?
  11. A man holds no responsibility as well for impregnation? WTF? Both parties are responsible for the impregnation.
  12. Don't spin out of it. Did you miss the part where I said im not advocating for or against it? Your claim that a pregnancy is only related to a baby's body is beyond dumb.
  13. I don't agree with Ghostz but this right here is pretty stupid. A pregnancy creates a HUGE change in a woman's body.... physically, chemically and emotionally. Im not advocating for or against abortions.... but for you to say that a baby has no impact ir effect on a woman's body is asinine.
  14. You're the Manticore of their identity politics
  15. People ITT think that all Righties and Leftist hold the same POSITION on EVERY SINGLE ISSUE straight down the line
  16. Ghostz isn't a leftist you identify politics retard
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