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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Ah, you're jumping the gun. You saying what Phil Spencer is going to be saying sometime within the next 3-4 years.
  2. Having a PC built to download and run games off your own hard drive, and powered by a video card = PC platform gaming. That's the way its meant to be. And it also means its the best way to play a game, locally.
  3. good to see someone else noticed. and will notice if he tries it.....one..............more..............time
  4. They're literally too scared to even respond to me, at this point. And still talking about me.
  5. LOL he literally keeps on doing the very thing he's being told not to. And he's making statements about other people's intelligence????????
  6. @Remij_ You were talking about people who were just doing "stupid useless" posts that go nowhere? Ghost tried to make up a racial thing.....................not knowing that he was posting the same exactly word prior to him attempting to create said racial thing.
  7. Yes, lets. You said the word without taking any racial connotation from it. In this thread; And then you TRIED to turn it into a racial connotation 4 minutes later. We can LITERALLY SEE THE TIME. LOL You attempting to derail the topic..............and it completely backfired.
  8. You just admitted that you want to CHANGE THE SUBJECT in a thread that is about guns. You literally just admitted that.OMG.
  9. Except YOU have said that blacks are responsible for the majority of murders: Checkmate'd
  10. funny how I keep on trying to talk about the guns, and not myself. Explain how you think I'm begging for people to about me. Oh....................and congratulations on just ADMITTING that you and @Jon2B want to talk about me. I'm sure he appreciates that admission, as well. LOL
  11. Ooooh boy, he's getting really mad, and is trying to find any way out of this. Why @Cookester15, please do come here. I think you do need to see this.
  12. People who aren't street thugs who are responsible for the majority of these gun crimes. Or are you saying that the guy who is mugging people and robbing liquor stores are ALSO running gun trafficking????????????? That's a yes or no question. Watch him avoid it.
  13. I'm talking about the guns. They seem to want to talk about me. I can understand. We're both talking about lethal weapons.
  14. LOL, I have him going BACK THROUGH PAGES, he's so depserate to find something. Guess he didn't read it properly when I told him that the first time. "black market would spike" = illegal gun prices would spike = criminal thugs can't afford the higher prices =[ Actually I won't finish this, I want ghost to pretend that he doesn't know what would've been typed in this space. LOL]
  15. They're both trying to run away, together. And pretending that I didn't trademark The Loop, already. What's even better is he's going to try even harder to pretend he didn't read this. LOL
  16. lol cows got caught trying to exaggerate something Nintendo did. What a surprise.
  17. Little too late to start mimicking me. LOL Keep on meltin'.
  18. -Actually I said 2 handguns, 2 large guns. and you would be investigated if you start losing multiple guns and risk losing ALL your guns if you did something illegal -Tax those who have more. -There would be hunting, you didn't disprove that -black market would increase the cost of gun = those thugs who committ crimes can't afford to get their hands on a gun. -gun prices ALREADY go up whenever there's a horrific shooting. -Who said anything about the US having to turn over a "profit"???????????????? The goal is to lower gun deaths. I also love how you can't
  19. I got him in ANOTHER meltdown. In his OWN thread, no less.
  20. Another day............another ass-rape happening completely localized within Dynocrap's anus.
  21. I have a "keeper"??????? I like how he's now changed to talking about me now, because I nailed him in the last post about how he's pretending to be outrage even though he's not going to go hunting out in New Jersey. LOLLOLOLOLO
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