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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. I was wanting to watch it since Christmas, but the two theaters in Dallas were just too far out of the way for me, and I was getting sick. But now, its going to be at AMC theaters that have Dolby Atmos theaters. So unless its specifically made for real IMAX, I'd rather go to a Dolby Atmos theater were the sound is going to be thundering. Gotta go this weekend.
  2. If the switch had come out in mid 2015, we'd be talking about PS4 and Switch neck in neck to see who would win this gen. Switch would have caused PS4 sales to slow down to about 85-90 million, and the Switch would probably be around 80 million. And Nintendo would've probably been prepping another round of Pokemon games for the Switch in 2020, which would've led to them still selling hot.
  3. jehurey


    What do we have to do now that its ESTABLISHED and AGREED UPON that this is happening because of man-made climate change? Sure. But we're not here to DEBATE climate change.........because there is no debate. That book has already been written to completion. That shouldn't be the "elephant in the room" because its a settled concept.
  4. jehurey


    Move onto another subject after you don't want to go into detail about the very thing you tried to downplay? Now you're next excuse is "well............I'll wait for other countries to get off their ass first, before I get off my ass." Which is, of course, another right-wing talking point.
  5. jehurey


    I'll repeat it again: THe size of texas = small and anecdotal. Keep trying.
  6. jehurey


    Its almost like an episode of South Park where you know damn well what Cartman is doing, but he tries to play dumb and dances around a denial.
  7. jehurey


    She's simply settled for: doing more than you will ever do. Where you getting your material? Jesse Watters' twitter page?
  8. well, you are a dingleberry, and a joke, and also (over) 40. You couldn't have worded that self-projection any better.
  9. Aw man, they have totally foiled me by doing the one thing I wasn't expecting them to do: shit their pants harder
  10. Not my fault you guys make me look like a genius. Like midgets trying to shame a person of regular height. Sorry, I will not crouch down to your level, Arnold.
  11. You picked the perfect time to finally self-project. Congratulations.
  12. This is where I have him at. I love that he forgets to realize how satisfying it is for me to have him there.
  13. Here comes the Butthurt Express You can sense their breeches rupturing.
  14. jehurey


    An event that is as big as the size of Texas = local anecdote. So you still try to stick with right-wing talking points. The Earth will correct itself...........I don't think you understand........the Earth will correct itself in way that is un-cooperative with Human intentions of survival. And you apparently won't acknowledge that only until the shit has gone beyond hitting the fan?
  15. Which florida county posts their mugshots online? That was always a great place to find some fucked up people.
  16. So, even though she vowed to get the sauce "by any means necessary", she never thought to get by way of paying 25 cents for it, which is what they were charging for it? Look at her, she still looks like she's determined to get that dipping sauce.
  17. He doesn't know what to do, he's so mad that he dingled onto somebody who had already lost. Guess he didn't see that. No surprise considering he isn't man enough to see the quotes. Or Father Patrick way back then.
  18. He's getting madder. They usually do, because of their under-developed brains.
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