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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Imagine being excited for 5tate of Decay 2.
  2. You're right. We've got to stop these freaks from quitting social media platforms of their own free will.
  3. Octopath is great. Solid 8/10 game with a surprising lack of bullshit, likable characters, and a great little battle system that's not too simple and not too complex. Enjoy.
  4. Except for that one time he said “You are acting like a bunch of n******, just so you know. You act like white n******,”: Or that other time he argued racism was good for black people: Like I said: don't be a dick and/or don't quit the platform.
  5. Or like a right-wing white nationalist: This is a non-topic. Patreon didn't deplatform Sam Harris. Sam Harris quit. Milo got deplatformed for being a neo-nazi. Alex Jones got deplatformed for saying the Sandy Hook shooting was faked. Gavin McInnes got deplatformed for advocating violence in the streets. But Sam just plain quit. Seems pretty obvi to me: if you want to participate in the services of private entities, just don't be a dick, or don't quit using the service.
  6. It's not a sheep trait to make fun of you, Deeno. Everybody does that.
  7. Pointing out that Deeno's predictions were flat out wrong isn't bullying. Bullying is when we call him retarded for it. We do that, too. EDIT: Lmao you triple posting 'cause i'm living in your head rent free.
  8. I'm starting to think Deeno has a secret "my dick is dry" signal that he projects into the night sky for you and Slow Johnny.
  9. Bookmark this thread. Deeno thinks Nintendo exclusives are so great that people are buying Switches before they're even out.
  10. He's so bad that the Hall of Shame has become normalized. There's no reason to visit it because Deeno's daily routine out-shames it.
  11. Nah, it's slow. It doesn't speed up until much later when you've gotten through a lot of the tutorials and such. Compared to Xenoblade Wii, the system is a slog.
  12. Boy howdy this quote aged well, didn't it? Get fucked, Deeno.
  13. http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2018/12/14/a-lengthy-play-session-turned-me-around-on-travis-strikes-again-no-more-heroes Their old impressions for reference: http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2018/08/23/i-just-cant-get-excited-about-travis-strikes-again-no-more-heroes
  14. I held off buying Smash because i put it on my wish list for Christmas. If I don't get it then, i'll just download it. As for pokemon, i'm skipping this one since the mainline entry is just a year off, anyway.
  15. Slow Johnny sang the praises of State of Decay 2. Give him some credit.
  16. Pokemon. No question. Next year will be much bigger for switch.
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