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Everything posted by Casual

  1. well it could also be because the wire is superior to sopranos.
  2. yeah i feel like you'll dig this one. great that it's portable too. makes me much more inclined to do all the more chore-like stuff. oh and the music is stuck in my head already.
  3. Accidentally stayed up 2 hours later than intended playing FE...then got up and snuck an extra 20 minutes in this morning instead of my usual snoozing. Might be my favourite game this year so far.
  4. Man Fire Emblem is actually damn good. The time management aspects are fantastic, gives me Persona vibes. There’s so many things to do and they’ve really nailed the pacing. I feel like there’s more than enough stuff to do on the free time days but the limits they impose do a good job of making it feel manageable without worrying you that you’re missing out or doing something wrong. Love the instructing aspect too. Battles seem great but I’ve only done a couple.
  5. lmao imagine being such an incel ass neckbeard you're mad you gotta play as a girl. should be happy, it's their only change of interacting with a female.
  6. I'll probably skip it though. Fire Emblem is one of those series I really want to like but whenever I actually play it I drop it after a few hours.
  7. TLHBFR. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/fire-emblem-three-houses-review-train-and-fight/1900-6417254/ https://ca.ign.com/articles/2019/07/25/fire-emblem-three-houses-review
  8. lmfao. sorry you suck at games.
  9. if i had to spend $8000 on video cards and turbo boosted wifi chips each year id probably steal games too tbh.
  10. Meh. This gen is absolutely stellar already and there's way more games than I have time to play...took a while to hit its stride but otherwise.... Bloodborne Sekiro Doom Tetris Effect Witcher 3 Monster Hunter World Dark Souls 3 Red Dead Persona 5 Undertale Nier Automata Nioh Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil 2 DMC5 Horizon God of War Celeste Hollow Knight Breath of the Wild XCOM 2 Mario Odyssey Splatoon 2 Dead Cells Divinity Crypt of the Necrodancer Caden
  11. Getting deeper into Bloodborne. A lot of this feels really fresh to me now...I've beaten the first parts of the game a handful of times but I only ever went all the way through once. Forbidden Woods, Hemwick Chanel both felt pretty new. Also found the Clinic and Cainhurst which I must have missed on my first playthrough because I got an achievement for Cainhurst. That area looks dope af but seems a bit high for me yet. Working my way through Byrgenwerth for now and then I guess I'll either do Cainhurst or Nightmare Frontier. Also think I still have to go back to the Unseen Village
  12. Two of those games are good, but I guess it's impressive that Nintendo actually has a release every month as opposed to every year like they did with the Wii U.
  13. Yeah I was surprised to see how bad it actually was. I hope they somehow make it 60 on PS5
  14. Playing Bloodborne for the first time in like 3 years. Just one shot BSB without getting hit once. I remember dying like 40 times to this guy the first time lol. Sekiro made me a beast
  15. Yeah that was my one disappoiintment with Sekiro, the normal guys were too easy. I barely even used the attachments or whatever they're called. The window for parry and such is too large and it's pretty forgiving to spam.
  16. I keep wanting to replay this. It's so long though :|.
  17. Odyssey was disappointing imo. Levels were hit or miss, far too easy, kinda short, too many moons and them being given out for literally everything made them feel kinda meaningless. Some of the moons are so easy to get that they’re actually hard to find because it’s shit that you would never assume you’ll be rewarded for doing. Its still a good game. I’d give it a 9/10...the controls/movement alone make it an amazing game but they really failed to give you spots to use them.
  18. Nah only SMB3 Super Metroid Ocarina of Time Metroid Prime Dark Souls Bloodborne/TW3/BotW Mario 64 is pretty close to OoT though.
  19. meh. cool for all the kiddos that want pokemon this year.
  20. yeah jimbo is trash tier poster at this point tbh. up there with aza.
  21. Lol do you even watch ball? The Raps are still a 4-6 seed. Who is gonna be ahead of them? The Raps were 17-5 without Kawhi last year. Lowry/Powell/OG/Siakam/Gasol with Serge and FVV is still a solid lineup in the East for the regular season. Philly and Milwaukee are the only teams that are clearly better. After that it’s teams like Indiana and Boston. Boston got worse and unless Hayward has a big bounce back year they’re going nowhere. Indiana could be good but Dipo could still be out till like January. Brooklyn is a non factor this year whil
  22. Well I’m fucking depressed. Woke up at 5 to a fire alarm in my building and I see this shit. Just been sitting on my balcony since, can’t sleep at this point. Still hasnt quite hit. On one one he never asked to be here. He came and was professional and we ended up with a chip. Hard to hate on him going to the Clippers, I would have probably felt slightly different if he went to the Lakers. Just sucks cause the front office did basically everything right on this one for once. As a team the only real flaw is that we got a few older guys expiring next year b
  23. Switch has been great lately. Beauty weather in Toronto so I've been getting a lot of use of it out on the balcony. Flipping between Mario Maker and Crypt of the Necrodancer mostly. Both excellent so far...my one issue with Mario Maker is that all of the "good" levels seem to be similar...people using switches for speedruns/puzzles. I honestly just wanna play a bunch of hard but traditional levels and it's kinda hard to narrow the search down to find those. I find a lot of the traditional levels end up feeling like a chinese knock off version...something kinda cheap or wrong about
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