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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. It’s honestly not worth watching. Every video I see drags my opinion of China even lower. That is just disgusting
  2. Hopefully US pulls out of Europe and Asia and let’s Russia and China be there new overlords. That’s what they wanted, that’s what you get. No reason to waste more tax payer money on these fools
  3. I keep saying I want to try this but before I do there’s a new revision. I haven’t played a new guilty gear since GG X2 accent core. Johnny was my character
  4. Knowing hermshits there’s probably a nude mod already ready
  5. I’ll never understand why she looks different in every single game. Chris and Leon look similar but jill is like a completely different character in every game
  6. There’s something wrong with China. I remember watching a heartbreaking video of a little girl being hit by a car and run over and the guy keeps going. People walk past her and just ignore her. Normally I’d say that’s an isolated incident but I’ve seen a lot of similar video from China
  7. Guy is such a faggot. Every interview: “ that’s crazy man. You ever done dmt?”
  8. We know the specs of both consoles and what they’re fully capable of. This damage control from editors and developers is getting massive cringe now. As if the ps5 has some secret voodoo magic that’s going to change what we know
  9. If anyone on the team has to have it, I hope the 2 players is Rondo getting the virus twice
  10. Two Lakers players have tested positive for coronavirus, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. The team may test the remaining players who did not take tests Wednesday morning.
  11. Should have told that ugly bitch she shouldn’t be teaching if she can’t grasp the meaning of something so obvious Then grabbed her by the pussy
  12. The history of summer memories is honestly pretty fucking ridiculous. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but I knew of it. Over 10 years ago this shit was announced, then cancelled, then the developer closed, then the creator bought the rights to the game and continued development with his own studio, then it went through development he’ll for years, and now it’s finally coming out
  13. Re3 was pretty good but it’s honestly a complete rehash. Trials of mana played like a budget ps2 game. Going to try Summer memories but I don’t have much faith. It’s a sequel to Raw Danger on ps2 which I liked 15 years ago and at that time it still felt archaic. If it’s the sane thing this is not going to be pretty.
  14. I thought the first was decent for what it was. I would have played a sequel but if Sony hasn’t said anything about a sequel till this day they’re never going to make one. Sony more than the other of the big 3 dump franchises at the blink of an eye
  15. I worked hard today unlike kaz who was lazy and didn’t do anything and posted here
  16. Is right now most people’s experience with Ori? I’m noticing most people discovering this game with this sequel. Did no one pkay the first game? It was always a fantastic game
  17. Those things In the water that are trying to shoot shit. Shoot projectiles at them and they’ll start shooting bubbles
  18. man wrpgs seem to be the epitome of gayness. Between that pic of every wrpg having a dyke main character with a dyke haircut and now seeing you can get butt fucked by some black guy in a wrpg I understand why hermit slobs fantasize over this hot garbage
  19. Kevin Durant has the corona virus. Wtf is going on here
  20. That’s cool I turned him onto it. It was a niche franchise but now it’s massive. I never could have predicted that
  21. this a joke? Have you never played a persona before 3,4, and 5 are all the same shit. Literally. They’re all 100 hour games. You can’t teach me shit. I played the shit out of all of them before you knew about them
  22. Surprised there’s no escort missions to add the cherry on top of this shit sundae
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