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Everything posted by Spicalicious

  1. A feature that many people use but it get's removed. Who the fuck is managing this website ffs?
  2. Why would anyone want a Google console? Google knows nothing about gaming and the way they make money is with ads. why the fuck would anybody want that? Microsoft has been in the gaming business since early iterations of Windows and dos and you want them to die but you want the advertising giant to make a gaming console. Retards on this website I tell you
  3. I understand where you're coming from with "germs" but think about when you're eating some random chicks pussy and you sometimes tongue the butt hole. Should we really be concerned that the person celebrating the birthday might have a piece a chicken left over from lunch between their teen and that it could possibly fly out and land on the cake while blowing the candles? Yummy! partially digested food from and old dude or dirty puss
  4. I dust off the Switch and PS4 on occasion but the X is my go to.
  5. Let's face it 4k gaming IS next gen and next gen is now with One X. It does 4k at a reasonable price compared to a gaming pc and it's my go to gaming platform.
  6. I'm seriously loving this. Too a few days off to explore and tinker with this new feature. I've been gaming with games that are hard copies, Gamepass, games with gold and now using steam through Xbox. It doesn't get any better.
  7. Steam on Xbox. But for real though, I can literally access all my gaming entertainment in one spot! https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/13/18263513/microsoft-xbox-one-pc-games-support-streaming-wireless-display-app-feature
  8. I'm serious. Xbox which is owned by Microsoft want to give you all the games. They are trying to improve the games industry. Games for Everyone on every platform is their motto... yet you angrily reject the notion. All you dumbass non gamers have no idea where this is going. MS will become the fiercest force to be reckoned with in the not so distant future.. You'll see
  9. How about Lions? We are the kings of the gaming world. MS is gonna take the world by storm. Shit's gonna get real my friends. Better cover your anuses.
  10. I would like to see a rendition of DOTA on Xbox. We can have crossplay or some shit with all those friendly pc DOTA players. We'll be good friends you'll see.
  11. It would be funny though. What an epic SW backfire that would be.. celebrate now while you can fools!
  12. Not the point. Different business decisions for different scenarios. Whatever business decision for acquiring Rare all those years ago has no bearing on the reason MS will purchase Valve. They can and they WILL.
  13. MS was looking at acquiring a high end franchise/development studio. Maybe they could revive Half Life? Plus they would now own Steam.. What could be better. Steam is like the peanut butter on your Windows OS bagel.
  14. Why else would they release their games on Steam? Lack of sales on other platforms? MS doesn't give a crap about money right now. They are currently building a gaming empire. Why would MS need the piddly Halo sales from Steam? They're adding their games to steam now because their purchase of Valve is a done deal. Let's see what transpires in the short to longer term.
  15. Gabes getting to be an old man now.. needs to sell it off and retire. I'm sure MS can can dig into the war chest on this one.
  16. They will buy Valve and rename Steam to Gamepass. Add all their games too.
  17. Would be amazing if they made another Half Life. MS to the rescue!
  18. You past Xfans are embarrassing.. got damn
  19. Why we giving in to hermits? We can play all those games at 4k at a fraction of the price on X. So then, to many of you "Xbox fans", the meaning of X being superior was only about certain Xbox exclusives? The best and most economic way to play is on X. You think mom and dad want their kids hunched over a pc like little neckbeards? Shiiit, I bet those parents would buy those kids an X for 499 and be done with it. Same goes for the majority of the population.
  20. Is that one of the muslims from sweden? he looks like he's wearing expensive coat so not sure if poor immigrant or not. any link to news story? would be interested to read the context this was in. Did the ladies steal is seat or something?
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