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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. I think this is a good alternative to buying an XBox since the price is so low. People that would never get an XBox can jump in for a game or two then cancel.
  2. It's a b rate souls game and b rate uncharted style game. The level design is also bottom if the barrel.
  3. Remember when people said it was over for Sony cause the Scorpio is coming and everyone will switch to XBox.
  4. 720P 30FPS Vegetation Bending Destructible Enviroment Dynamic Lighting Voxel-Based Global Ilumination Ligh Rays and Sunbeams Enhanced Lighting Depth of Field and Motion Blur Gyro Aiming Maximum Explosions And Sharks
  5. It's B rate all around, and this is from a top tier developer. Makes you appreciate how God Naughty Dog is at their job.
  6. Does anyone seriously think MS will only have a 500 dollar console on the market?
  7. They're planning to sell PS5s at a faster pace than PS4 at least for the first year on the market.
  8. https://www.resetera.com/threads/phil-spencer-xgs-titles-for-the-“next-couple-of-years”-will-be-cross-gen.249130/ Honestly if that's the case might as well use the PS4 huge user base.
  9. https://www.resetera.com/threads/yearly-xbox-live-gold-subscription-is-no-longer-available-on-xbox-com.249052/#lg=_xfUid-1-1594901357&slide=0 Merged into gamepass??
  10. It's goty 2019. Play it on any platform that can handle it even PSNow.
  11. To be fair PS always had shit Lauches the PS5 is looking like the best yet.
  12. I can't believe there are no comparisons yet.
  13. I dont think pre ordering guarantees getting a unit sadly.
  14. First was fun, 2 turned into a loot based shitfest.
  15. Honestly best to wait for the next gen version.
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