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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nobody is talking about it here that I noticed... but it should be mentioned. Such a tragic loss of life. RIP to the victims and <3 goes out to those affected.
  2. Once again, Alex puts out an incredibly informative video actually speaking with the developers working on these projects. Regardless of whether you think he's a PC fanboy or not, he always does a great job demonstrating and explaining technical aspects of games in clear and understandable ways.
  3. Yep. Said it was overrated back on SS.net and got hated on for it. It's not a bad game, but it's not on the level of the previous games in the series. As Sabo said.. It's a solid 8.
  4. This is true. Nothing even comes close to authentic homemade or restaurant made salsa. The stuff you get on store shelves is passable... but it doesn't compare.
  5. Oh, I totally agree. I was going to put Gran Turismo 3 on my list, but decided in the end not to. I put tooooons of hours into those games in the past. Forza Horizon is a series I adore. The quality is undeniably high.
  6. Extra hot Mexican Salsa verde with habanero
  7. I can't honestly believe it's a better game than DQ11. I haven't played it though. Does it have a good story?
  8. I did NOT see Forza Horizon games being your top games of all time. That honestly surprises me. Nice to see SMB3 on your list as well. And the fighting games all make sense.
  9. Nice list dude. Definitely some gems in there that I considered but ultimately couldn't put it. Crazy Taxi though? That high? No Jet Set Radio or Future? Don't get me wrong, I love Crazy Taxi, but there's not enough content there for me to have it anywhere close on my list.
  10. LMAO, there's no current gen games from any system anywhere near my Top 10.... There's no way they compete with classics my dude.. But if you look... there's only 2 current gen games on my list... one is FH4.. and the other is Bloodborne.
  11. lmao Twinblade you clown... I guess that's what I should expect from the guy that see's The Quiet Man when looking at Jill from RE3
  12. That captures the style perfectly and rounds off the edges and adds more detail Leave me alone you reMONSTER
  13. Hmm. I'll have to check it out. I've honestly never put that much thought into trying other translations. I don't know if I could deal with Phoenix Down being translated as Phoenix Tail though
  14. Nah, I've never bothered with the fan-translation. The mistakes in the original are goofy, and that's just always been my FF7. I embrace it lol. Though really, I should probably give it a chance. Is it good?
  15. Yea, I'm gonna have to. I've heard nothing but great things over the years.
  16. Also, just a little aside... FF7 is my fav game of all time, and on PC with 7th Heaven 2.0 making modding trivial...I feel the absolute best way to play the original FF7 now (obviously besides a PS1 with a CRT monitor) is with the upscaled backgrounds and improved field character models and battle backgrounds and avatar images. This guy has remade almost all the chibi character models to find a nice balance between the chibi style and the battle models. They're really impressive and he's doing all the characters and NPCs as well. This makes the game look much nicer on a 55''+ scr
  17. Let Accolade live in his dream world. It's easier that way.
  18. I never really played Ikaruga. Definitely not in the time period it released. I know it's widely regarded as one of the best of it's kind.. so perhaps I'll have to try it one of these days.
  19. Remij

    My Top 50 Games

    It's crazy just how good that game is
  20. Haha thanks. Damn... your #1 still hasn't even been mentioned? Yea, I realize that. Diablo 2 got close. But honestly, it's logical, at least in my mind. When I was younger I was mostly a console gamer. PCs were still a high barrier to entry, and as much as I loved the PC games I got to play... there was just no denying that big hit console games were infinitely more accessible to me, and considering that not all of my friends had PCs so we could all play games together, it was always harder to appreciate and talk about those games among ourselves. So c
  21. They have a similar hair style... that's about it.
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