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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Chicano3000

  1. There is no life anymore son
  2. Ok but now we need new animals names for dems, repubs and whomever else... Democrats = Donkeys Republicans = Pachyderms Libertarians = Snakes Independents = Groundhogs
  3. Most of us have been like that the entire time. Our generation is the one that began to resist old ideologies of prejudice. But I don't want this forum to be tarnished by politics. I see you guys as just fellow gamers. Hope it stays like that.
  4. That's the irony of our time. Racists calling others Nazis because they cannot talk their racist rhetoric. And I do hate cancel culture and people who are so sensitive to just about anything.
  5. We're one of the last remaining strongholds on the internet when it comes to resisting things like bots and paid trolls.
  6. My job started using it since we began working from home. No choice but to get used to it...
  7. Oh shit... Well scratch that. Honestly it’s been so long I forgot most people names, and the name changing feature furthered the confusion lol
  8. Yikes... I liked the TFA. but TLJ fucked everything up. all RoS could do is clean that mess up with palpatine tacked on there. Snoke was completely wasted. i did like that the revelation of Palpatine being a grandfather. But he didn’t need to be alive. Maybe they could’ve touched on a Sith Ghost. But it would’ve really worked if that idea was played with from the beginning if they teased some dark aide potential. Both Flynn and Rey learn the force and Flyn has to save Rey from the dark side. so many different possibilities
  9. So do you guys like have Jimbo locked in a basement with a laptop that only logs into SW and he fucked up so bad you broke his fingers and restricted his internet hours?
  10. Zoomers are basically military grade weaponized millannials. I remember the internet being crazy back then. This time it's on another level...
  11. Yikes... WTF went on in that place?
  12. Speaking of Jimbo, what happened to his wasteland?
  13. I don't wanna die in a nuclear war...
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