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Everything posted by MalaXmaS

  1. I knew this shit was going to happen. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is fucking amazing but I would be doing it a disservice by playing it with a controller. Basic procedures like increasing altitude and banking while reading the instruments is such a pain with the controller.
  2. Now that was funny. A little bit though.
  3. Looks amazing but I wish they would stop with the festival gimmick already. It was fine for one game.
  4. Your jokes are not funny dude.
  5. A sheep arguing with a cow, and this poor traumatized dude jumps into the lemming's dick.
  6. Could have found a better picture to illustrate your point though.
  7. If sheep didn't get why the Steam Deck was a challenger for Nintendo's portable market, judging by this post, they still don't get it. Poor sheep, haven't experienced with power gaming in more than a decade.
  8. EDIT: With that screen cap that Twinkie posted, the shitty textures, and the lack of shadows were more apparent. That is not Xbox 1 graphics. Xbox games had shadows, anti-aliasing and shiny textures. This game has none of that.
  9. LMFAO, the jaggies, the framerate, the lack of NPCs, the horrendous pop-in. But then they will say "it's all about the gameplay". That would fine and all, except you see them talking toe to toe with the lems and hermits in threads about graphics.
  10. BF1 is free on Gamepass as well, and I bet it was given for free on PS Plus, or was it V.
  11. I like the fact that whenever someone disagrees with people like him, he immediately jumps to conclusions and ridicules. This guy fits the criteria of a LGBT liberal.
  12. Yep, true. Just like a couple of weeks ago, two co-workers just got married and they met at my job. If it works, it works. Which is why I said that lawsuit seems very frivolous. If a woman finds you attractive, she will be more than pleased at anything you do to her. However, if she finds you unattractive, she can feel harassed at any little detail. This situation is often found in supervisor to subordinate relations at work in which there is a lot of stress to meet deadlines.
  13. Seems to be heavily reusing assets from the Division 2. Explains why it is free.
  14. Seems frivolous. This is what happens when you try to push your gender empowerment garbage. Then you have to basically walk on egg shells around women.
  15. Meh. Looks like a modified Frostbite 3 engine. It will also run on last gen consoles too.
  16. Not my type of game but who knows. After I give Hades an opportunity, I might end up liking this later.
  17. Maybe it is a first experience kind of thingy. I remember trying the Dirt 2 demo but back then I was a broke college student. I managed to cop Dirt 3 because of a trade and I absolutely loved it, even thought i didn't complete all events (thanks to dlc). Still I thought Dirt 3 was better structured, and had more soul than Dirt 5. Forget about Dirt 4. Dirt Rally 1 is the spiritual successor in terms of wholesomeness.
  18. Having Gamepass, decided to give it a try (finally). There was always a reason that had me thinking it twice before downloading it and upon playing the game, I realized why. First of all, the announcer is really annoying. Felt like style over substance. I only tolerated him the first race, which was mundane, boring and lacking of any physics. Despite being an uphill climb in the mud, your car had that arcadey over the top pivoty physics. Your vehicle doesn't slide at all, even on loose terrain. The AI is another problem. The middle pack is too stupid and occupies all t
  19. Yeah I know. That 60 gig was a monster. Loved the heat sensitive buttons as well. Tbqh though, last gen consoles have raised their value. Even the slim ps2, you can only find for $200 plus. Luckily I still keep my old slim around.
  20. Yeah I bet it is hard to find a 60gig PS3 backwards compatible that still works. My 20gig shat the bed and even though I sent it to Sony for the YLOD, it came back and worked for about 6 months and then bluray went out. Then my sister gifted me a 160 PS3 slim that I rocked for YEARS.
  21. I never cared about them and still don't. Still is nice to see the Series X picking up steam. However, MS needs to hurry up with the real next gen bangers.
  22. Cubeaholic died? So he is the third SWer that passed away then.
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