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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. You can clearly tell that internet traffic is slowing down for this guy. Hell, you can tell that Sam Harris is not really relevant since halfway through 2018. That's what I love about alt-right'ers.........they don't have patience with their gimmicks. They move on to the next thing if they notice its not working.
  2. I saw something cool on Amazon, I don't know about different versions of the retail copies, but there is a $60 version of this game that includes a free steelbook. However, in case somebody never buys that bundle, Amazon sells the steelbook by itself for $12. I think more games should do that.
  3. I remember Remij and jonb making fun of me because I was holding out on buying any console until the PS4pro came out in November 2016. And since I knew there was a PS4 revision coming in early 2016, I had been buying cheap $10 retail disc versions of Bloodborne and Until Dawn before I got the console. Perfect entry point for this gen.
  4. Genuinely would not surprise me if their ports of NSMB U and Super Luigi U combined together would sell very well, and Smash Bros continues to sell well into March/April. Tetris 99 may be their biggest killer app for Switch Online, it may actually end up being a killer app for people to pick up more Switches. And, uh.......there's this game releasing later this year called Pokemon, and its not a spinoff its a main series game. Pretty sure the Switch will do well.
  5. Damn, looks like its beating The Last night to the punch.
  6. Year ovah Year Lemmings better get ready, because they will get skullfucked with YoY statistics throughout this entire 2019 year. That's what those dipshits get for trying to hide behind that statistic.
  7. How? This one actually has platforming design and gameplay. lol
  8. It genuinely is starting to feel like Tetris 99 is going to be the new hotness. The buzz online is getting big. This could be a huge killer app for Switch Online. And, this might be my first battle-royale experience to get into. I should try out Apex as well.
  9. I like how you think you can project your way out of this. Racists are identified by how they behave and how they act. You can't just call other people racist and pretend that its going to throw them off your scent. LOL Racists also get mad, easily.
  10. No, I'm not any of that. Let me know when you want to own me with that massive information you claimed you have. You sure do seem irritated, and only around me. A minority. Comes off as a little racist.
  11. They artificially created their own Destiny situation. It started with them dropping micro-transactions in those DICE games, ME Andromeda bombing, and now it resulted in them absolutely needed to push a game out of the door because they need the money. So it looks like this game COULD HAVE BEEN good? But they had to stop making content and wrap it up to get it out the door. We know there's going to be a backlash if they offer additional missions and loot content as paid DLC., people are going to demand that it be free.
  12. Well, I played the demo last night, and the background is definitely blurry, but that may be intentional depth-of-field stuff. But also it could just be a symptom of UE4 only being optimized up to a certain point for the Switch. They've been working on this game for a while, its actually arriving pretty late because it was shown back at E3 2017 and it was supposed to be a 2018 title. The demo could be old.
  13. i went around telling people that I want to play drunken bar fight. I didn't go around telling people that drunken bar fight is a good game as a declaration. Are you really that dense to not know the difference? That "random opinion" has more credibility than you. YOU can block that simple fact out of your mind.......just don't expect this forum to. LOL
  14. This entire time. Nintendo has been doing Microsoft favors. Ask yourself. Why? Hell, Scalebound could have an online mode, and it could connect through Xbox Live on the Switch. (of course if that happened...)
  15. I am going to have to wait until your 8th attempt at threatening me, for you to actually do anything . LOL I love how you are trying to pretend that you have any credibility than the average game reviewer. You're not even close to having the same credibility as the average Metacritic USER reviewer.
  16. LOL Am I going to have to wait until your 8th attempt at threatening that? LOL
  17. Actually take it one step further. Nintendo may be licensing the Bayonetta IP from Sega this entire time, even including Bayo 3. So, what if they giving MS some money to license the Scalebound IP in the same manner. Highly unlikely, HOWEVER we did just see Nintendo allow Xbox Live to go up on their system. Can you imagine if Nintendo asks for a favor from Microsoft, and they reject it, after all the courtesy Nintendo has provided with Minecraft and with allowing Xbox Live on the Switch? Microsoft would almost feel a little pressure to go along and not mess up the good
  18. Still trying to change the topic. Don't get mad because i'm pointing out simple observations. Deal with it.
  19. Actually, if your opinion matters more than reviewers........then maybe you need to be comparing your profile to the reviewers profile and we can see who has more credibility. Nice try to change the subject, tho.
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