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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. We'll go back and forth for a few months while Submissive claims he totally doesn't like Trump while defending every little thing that Trump does, then we'll finally get him to say "I like him." At this point, we'll be about 2 weeks away from a complete and total meltdown in which Submissive admits that he'd rather see the entire country burn than see a video on youtube of a pink-haired, gender-queer feminist ask to be refered to as "they".
  2. Can we sticky this quote at the top of the forum? @Alphonse @Cookester15 @Remij_ @madmaltese
  3. Lemme stop you right there, snowflake. Ani't nobody buyin' that shit. We called this shit months ago with Vini. Don't make us go through this again with you.
  4. Lotta Trumpets not talking about Paul Manafort sharing polling data from the RNC with Russian Oligarchs. Wonder why that is?
  5. I think it's safe to say they're not super high based on the fact that Microsoft stopped releasing total player numbers of their games as a metric. Now they just don't release anything. No total players, no unit sales...nothing.
  6. This thread feels like something @Quad Damage is going to necro-bump in a few months to make Deeno look like a jackass. Either that, or Deeno knows Switch is about to take a massive shit all over everyone when the December NPDs release, and his only defense is "bu bu bu teh Wii U!!!!" Wii U was garbage. I've had to explain that multiple times to Deeno. Glad he agrees I was right on that one.
  7. It's not as if Trump said that he fired Comey over that whole Russia thing in an intervi....ohh... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/11/donald-trump-james-comey-firing-russia-investigation
  8. You're right. Comey actually mind-gamed Trump into firing him just so that he could sell a book. He knew that, by reopening the investigations into Hillary's emails in october of 2016, he could get himself fired so that he could write a tell-all book about how the guy he helped throw the election to is actually fucking terrible. Makes perfect sense, high fives all around, let's grab lunch.
  9. Trump's campaign manager being behind bars for lying to the FBI about colluding with Russia does make me sleep better at night.
  10. That's right, Deeno, reach back to the last time you felt safe. Whatever you do, don't acknowledge the fact that the guy who ran Trump's Campaign for 5 months, and hand-picked Mike Pence as the VP, was exchanging RNC data with a Russian Oligarch. And for the love of JEEBUS don't acknowledge the last two years of your lord and savior's twitter tantrums consisting of 43% "NO COLLUSION".
  11. Make a wrong claim, get called out, scream "u haz teh nothingz!!!!" Bold strategy, Cotton.
  12. You're thinking of Snowden. Assange is the one running Wikileaks.
  13. Oh lord he's not even paying attention to the text being said. CAMPAIGN, son. Do you think Manafort just became VP or something?
  14. You don't know what "flipping" is, do you? Let me explain it like your 5: Flipping is a term used when a bad guy, which is the opposite of a good guy, lil' Timmy, gives up the goods on his boss in exchange for a, get this, leniency. I'm guessing you don't know what that word means, so allow me to define it for you: What this means is that, if they plead guilty to a crime and play ball, they don't get indicted with other crimes they may have committed so long as they give up the goods. Glad we had this talk, son. Would you like me to throw the ball for y
  15. Deeno, Submissive, and Vini think that if Trump himself isn't indicted, then Trump's Campaign isn't guilty. Yeah, they're pretty dumb.
  16. Somebody doesn't know what the 2020 map looks like.
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