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Everything posted by Sabo

  1. I'm expecting it to be like all the other Bethesda games- a buggy fuckin mess.
  2. I know what they're there for and what their original intention is. My issue is they went way overboard with them. They're not balanced at all, there was zero consideration or thought put into implementing them and how they would effect the overall balance of the game. There isn't even a penalty for using them to try to discourage you (Lower XP, Gil, Item Drop Rate, or etc.). Why the hell would I waste my time with Defense/Status Resistance/Debuff Resistance acessories when I can just equip a Ring that will auto-dodge everything? Why the hell would I equip some Bangle t
  3. This is actually what I'm thinking about doing. I'm just waiting for a PS5 game that I really want to play but the problem is there really isn't anything. Looking at the future line-up, the only game that fits that bill for me is Dragon's Dogma 2 and that isn't releasing anytime soon. This gen is really bland. People can blame cross gen all they want but that isn't the problem. Gaming in general has slowly been declining into creative bankruptcy for years but it's really started to show how fuckin' bad it's got this gen. And it's not getting any better in the future.
  4. You literally have no clue what artifacts I'm even talking about, do you? This is also completely different from a Difficulty setting. The artifacts I'm talking about are basically endgame quality gear. They're the type of gear you would expect to be rewards from clearing a Super Dungeon or defeating a Super Boss. These artifacts are powerful as hell and you don't even have to earn that power. The game just GIVES them to you. For an Action game, it's a goddamn joke these artifacts even exist. For a JRPG, its beyond stupid that I get to start the game with gear this OP.
  5. This game missed the boat. The boat holding all the "Horde mode" type of games sailed off like 10 years ago.
  6. They're literally too good not to use. Not using them doesn't make you "good", it just makes you stupid. A "good" player will recognize when a available tool is stronger and more effective than other tools. And these Accessories I'm talking about are way better than anything else. That's my problem with them, they make everything else meaningless because why the fuck would I waste an Accessory slot on an inferior Accessory? I'd rather they not exist to begin with.
  7. Except that approach ain't going to balance the ones I'm talking about. They're so good there is zero reason to use anything else.
  8. She looks like she was just straight up copy/pasted from FF XIV. Like she was an unused model and they just pasted her into this gane.
  9. Eastern Exorcist. Pretty cool game, the mechanics could use a little tightening up but it's pretty much doing what I wanted it to do, which is scratching that Muramasa itch I have because Vanillaware refuses to give me a Remastered version of that game.
  10. For a game that's borrowing so much from a typical Action game you'd expect 60 FPS or at the very least a stable framerate. Surprised a guy who worked on DMC V would be fine with this, figured he'd know better.
  11. Did the demo have the "Difficulty Modifier" accessories? Or at least that's what I call them. Some of the accessories the game is going to have are OP as fuck. I just want to know how OP are they because they honestly sounded game breaking.
  12. ... Why? Link doesn't talk but you can't really have a silent protaganist in a movie. So what do you do? I don't think there is a right answer and this is just playing with fire.
  13. I tried playing the original but quit around the time a certain someone died. Tartarus or whatever the fuck that dungeon was called was just way too repetitive and boring.
  14. Got a headache trying to watch the first one. The weird animation style the first film used fucked me up.
  15. Ain't got no interest in this dumb as fuck sequel series. The story is just straight up shit fanfiction. Anyone who thinks this garbage is anywhere close to the original needs to go play in heavy traffic.
  16. WTF? That ain't RF. That looks like a Genshin clone.
  17. Blizzard really isn't the same company they were 10 years ago. They've been bleeding talent for years and a lot of the key vets aren't even there anymore.
  18. Combat sounds terrible. Just your typical brain dead, heavily automated Korean/Chinese combat system. All flash, no substance. Dumbass scrubs get fooled into thinking the combat is "good" because of all the extravagant animations and don't even realize there's very little skill involved to achieve anything in these garbage ass combat systems.
  19. Nope. I'm not really in the mood to jump into another gear grind heavy game. I just played through Wo Long not too long ago.
  20. Cool but let's be real- LOL at Fighting Game reviews. They should always be taken with a grain of salt because they're not the type of games that are figured out or understood in a week. It takes months just to get a solid understanding of the game's balance and system mechanics.
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