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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. She doesnt think a female fighter should be allowed to fight other female fighters? Reeeeeee prepare the gulag!
  2. 4 pages now. Have we become resetera? Should I scroll through the thread and try to count how many people are banned? Sieg Heil btw
  3. I haven't seen that cockroach in a while. Figured he blew his brains out after xbox flopped like a motherfucker in 2018.
  4. 4 people picking xflop Autistic cop PeeweeB Pillow bhytre Who's the last secret lemshit? Spiclo? That worm still around?
  5. If I only owned an xbox I'd give up on gaming.
  6. When microsoft released that trying to milk the lemshits even though by then it was obvious hd-dud was going to die. Lemshits got played like a fiddle.
  7. As if all the shitty jrpgs lemshits hyped on 360 weren't relics even back in 2008 blue dragon enchanted arms sudeki lemshits have gone gaga for jrpgs or faux-jrpgs for ages
  8. Lemmings pretending they dont want games now you lemshits used to go apeshit when you got anything weeaboo on 360, this game included. xbox is dead. It's over.
  9. Makes sense. Younger people tend to have better reaction speed. Pc gamers could be anywhere from 15 to 55. Xbox games are gonna be 12 to 21.
  10. All lemmings have to mark on their calendar is the annual Forza rehash
  11. Because people want to waste 20 mins searching through posts and tweets to prove a point to some autist on the internet. I'm surprised you've never seen it. Doesn't matter though, you'd come up with some excuse to deny it even though it's not like this was a major thing until you got butthurt, triggered, and took offense you know what, I'm gonna get off the jerry-go-round now. I don't feel like riding on it for another 20 pages.....sweetie.
  12. But why though? Confirmed autism. Next he'll be buying HD-DUD. Hell he probably already has the xflop add-on lol
  13. Ah, that old routine. Ask the person to go dig through thousands of posts to prove a point knowing full well nobody is going to invest that much time to prove a point on the internet, and knowing full well that nobody would bookmark all these posts as they were meaningless at the time. A jerry classic is that.
  14. You can't see it because you're one of them. Just look at the former gaf or resetera, or any of the sjws on twitter. They commonly use the same language. I'm not saying they're all npcs because of it (though they are npcs) but I'm saying you can normally identify where they stand politcally and what kind of person they are based on their usage of words.
  15. Sweeties are what whippitgoo used to hand out around thailand schools to entice young girls into his van
  16. And "gross" or "eww, gross" They talk like faggots bald beta nu-male cucks
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